Mom Creates a Spa Day for Her 8 Dachshunds and It’s Such a Timeline Cleanse


Everybody looks forward to a day of relaxation and pampering, including our fur babies. It's fun to occasionally pamper our pooches, but it does take some work. Now imagine trying to plan a spa day for not one but eight dogs! That's what The Weens' mom did for them recently, and she made it look easy.

The Ween's mom posted a video of their spa day on Friday, September 13th. The eight spoiled Dachshunds were so relaxed, and just watching them was a moment of Zen for me. It started with a group bubble bath, which they all calmly enjoyed. Mom then wrapped them all in cozy robes before they headed to their comfy spa beds. They all got in and laid down for a nap, complete with cucumbers to cover their eyes with. It was all too cute!

Ahhhhh! This was so relaxing to watch! I can't even get my one dog to cooperate and do what I ask her to do and can't imagine getting eight dogs to do it! Fans of The Weens' left nearly 500 comments about the Dachshunds' incredibly relaxing spa day. Many people left comments about the dogs eating the cucumbers off of each other's eyes. @Serena Stadler pointed out, "I love how you have 8 of everything so the weens don’t feel left out!" @Chris joked, "What a ruff life!"

@Bridgette had my favorite comment, "How you make these videos seem seamless is truly amazing! Loved the behind-the-scenes scene! Appreciate all you do to share your sweet babies with us. It's so entertainingly!" It's so much work to put these kinds of videos together and I also enjoy seeing the behind-the-scenes scenes!

Related: Dog's Relaxing Spa Day Is Making Us Insanely Jealous

Making Bathing Your Dog Bearable

My dog is afraid of water, so bathing her is a chore, not a spa day experience like The Weens have! Whether your dog is dramatic about bathtime or enjoys taking a bath, it's something that we all have to do for our pets. Getting your dog used to water is the first step in making the bathing process bearable. Let them play in the hose or with water toys; this allows them to get wet without being fully submerged in a body of water. My dog will tolerate a shower but wants nothing to do with the tub. I wish she liked taking a shower as much as our West Highland Terrier we had years ago who would come running when she heard the shower turn on, hoping she could get in, too.

Another tip is to wear your pup out before giving them a bath. Take them for a walk, play some fetch, or do an exercise or play activity that they enjoy doing. They'll be less likely to fight the bath if they are tired.

You can ease your dog into bathtime by starting with basic grooming like nail clipping and ear cleaning. Set the mood by putting on some calming music and talking softly but with an excited tone to your voice. After bathing, have a fluffy, warm towel waiting to fold them in to, and don't forget to get excess water out of your pup's ears.

If you still have a hard time bathing your pooch, mobile grooming professionals and dog salons are always willing to take on the job. It can be pricey if you have to bathe your dog often, but it can also save your sanity!

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