New Mom Jokes She Has ‘3 Kids’ After Golden Retrievers Won’t Leave Her Baby Alone

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You never know how you fur-kids are going to react to your baby. Some dogs can't really handle not being the center of their human's world. But that's not the case with Honey and Mustard. In fact, these two might be a little too devoted to their new human sister.

Their poor mama was having a hard time putting baby Mak down for a nap. We think the dogs were trying to help, but instead things got sort of crowded on the couch.

The two Goldens were very protective of their little sister. They were watching her so carefully while she was napping. Though we sort of get the impression that their mom wished they were a little less available.

Related: Baby Adorably Asks His Golden Retriever Brother to Pick Him Up

One of the Golden Retrievers whined and whined when Mom tried to get them to back off. "Mustard, she's asleep," the mom explained in the footage. "Mustard, let her sleep."

"When I try and create some separation," the woman wrote in the onscreen caption. "I have three kids…" she joked in the caption.

Sadly for mom, people online took Mustard's side. "But that’s ooooour baaaaaby," one person wrote on Mustard's behalf. "They act more like a baby than your baby," someone else added. "As Mustards legal representative I demand you let Mustard see the baby or there will be legal ramification," threatened another person. "They were hired to sing her to sleep and he had to make sure they did a good job," one person explained.

Dogs and Babies

Like we said, dogs have all sorts of reactions to babies. One of which is that they might be a wee bit clingy while the baby is young.

If your dog won't get "out from underfoot" it can be hard. Cue commands like "go away" or "shoo" can be helpful. You'll want to say the cue words, then take a treat, show it to your dog, and toss it away from you so that the pup will give you some space. Repeat this several times so that your dog learns the command phrase. Then initiate the command without tossing a treat. Your dog will hopefully know that you want them to back off.

This is something you'll need to practice with your dog until they get it right. And unfortunately, different dogs learn at their own pace. A second video on the page shows Honey refusing to acknowledge her sister's personal space.

Welp, we guess no one could accuse either dog of being disinterested. That little bub is going to have two best buddies for life.

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