Moment Grieving Donkey Finds Comfort in His New Companion Is Everything

CC Brinja Schmidt/Shutterstock

When Sammy lost his brother the donkey went into deep mourning. But now his owner is sharing the moment they finally saw him turn a corner.

It's been a year since the donkey's passing, but the footage from Freedom Farmhouse in Cedarville, New Jersey shows that there's nothing that a little friendship can't fix.

We tend to think that donkeys are stoic animals, but they have a whole lot of feelings inside. They're actually sort of big softies. Donkeys need a little companionship to be happy, so it makes sense that Sammy's loss really made him blue.

Related: Donkey Mom and Dad Proudly Show Off Their New Baby to Human Mom

The animal rescue tried to help Sammy as he grieved. They even brought him a new buddy, Molly, last summer hoping that it would help him move on. It took a while, but they finally caught the moment that Sammy and Molly solidified their friendship.

"Donkeys form strong social bonds and one way they show that is through mutual grooming," they explained in the onscreen caption. Yep, the donks were grooming each other. A sure tell that their friendship is on the right path.

People in the comments section were so happy for Sammy. "Thank you for giving him a new friend to help him get over his grief," one person praised. "We had two big red mules...Rex and Rosie would nibble their bridles in half out of pure love," another commenter shared. "You had to have all the feels witnessing this. So happy for them and you!" one commenter gushed. "I’m so happy for them! Donkeys are so emotional and this is truly special to witness. Thank you," someone else wrote.

How to Help a Grieving Donkey

Donkeys take loss hard. In fact, in the worst cases grief can cause a donkey to stop eating, which can lead to a condition called hyperlipaemia and that can lead to death. It can be a scary time for a donkey owner. But there are ways to help your donkey through their tough time.

The best thing you can do is give your donkey more attention and try to give them other companions they can bond with. If the loss is recent, try and get them a new companion ASAP. This can help them feel less stressed and hopefully will get them to move forward.

Watch your donkey's appetite, but take care not to give them a whole bunch of treats. Treats are good every now and then, but getting into the habit can lead to obesity, which is not healthy.

We're sure that Sammy has really been struggling since his brother's passing, but with Molly's help we think Sammy will be alright.

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