How charity shops turned from a bargain-hunter’s paradise to right rip-off

Mary's Living and Giving Shop, Bermondsey Street
There are still bargains to be had. In Mary’s Living & Giving London Bridge shop an Armani coat was competitively priced at £50 - Geoff Pugh

For some, rummaging through charity shop rails is a fun hobby – the end goal being “the thrill of the find”, an affordable treasure hidden in a sea of bric-a-brac.

But recently, bargain hunters have left charity stores feeling disappointed. Both by the sheer quantity of poor quality fast-fashion spilling off the shelves, and by the high prices of “designer” clothes usually found in the finest vintage stores.

What has happened to this stalwart of the British high street? Telegraph Money visited seven charity shops across London to investigate why they have become a rip-off and no longer the place to hunt for good quality bargains or an affordable fashion gem.

Overflowing with fast-fashion

First stop: British Heart Foundation’s (BHF) Dalston store, in fashionable east London, where I found a ravaged Primark fleece trying to fetch £10.50 when a near-identical, brand new one retailed for just £2.50 more. At the charity’s Walthamstow branch I found a gold sequin T-shirt dress from Mango priced at £25. The same item was listed on eBay for just £8.09.

In nearly every shop I walked into – which also included Crisis, Mind, Oxfam, the British Red Cross and Shelter – items from fast-fashion brands like Boohoo, Missguided, New Look, H&M and Zara overflowed. Brands including Boohoo claim to donate more than 100,000 sample garments per year to local charities. The British Red Cross has signed a deal with Zara, with the charity selling unsold stock at slightly discounted prices. It’s in big retailers’ interest: the Government currently allows limited companies to deduct the value of any charitable donations they make from their total business profits – which they pay corporation tax on.

But it wasn’t just the overpriced 100pc-polyester garments that I found. Crisis, a charity that fundraises for the homeless, bolts designer items to the rails of some of its stores. In its Dalston shop, I found a £185 Christian Dior wool coat and a £200 Chloe cardigan under lock and key.

I’m not the only one to gawp at these prices. One shopper on Instagram found a £870 Christian Dior dress (also bolted to the rail) in Cancer Research on Marylebone High St earlier this month – but the same dress was on eBay for £165. She said in the video, posted on January 9: “I’ve seen wild prices like this more and more…where did they get that price from?”

This problem of overpricing is not the case across all stores. “High-end” charity shops, such as Mary Portas’s Mary’s Living & Giving Shops, curate their collections while also keeping prices competitive. In the London Bridge branch of Mary’s Living & Giving Shop this means less fast-fashion and more high-end European or designer brands. There, I found a £50 Armani coat and a £38 wool jumper from Italian brand Stefanel.

Mary’s Living and Giving Shop, Bermondsey Street
Mary’s Living & Giving shops curate their collections, offering less fast-fashion and more high-end brands - Geoff Pugh

Most big charities with a retail presence operate online shops too. On Oxfam’s I found items such as a “vintage” cardigan for £39.99 – although no brand was included in the description – and a pair of “new” (but worn-looking) Nordikas slippers for £45 that retail new for £49.

In British Heart Foundation’s retail accounts it said sales on eBay were up 44pc in 2023 and that they included a Cartier watch bought for £9,767 – its highest value item sold to date.

The ‘threat’ of Vinted

The decline of charity shops – from goldmines to recycling bins – has taken place as they encounter an existential threat from the rise of online marketplaces such as second-hand clothing app Vinted. Vicki Burnett, of the Charity Retail Consultancy, said shops were seeing “a decrease in quality” donations because people are selling their stuff rather than giving it away.

“Online platforms can be a bit of a threat to donated products,” she said. On Vinted, items can be sold and shipped with ease and it is the buyers who pay the fees, not the sellers, who get to keep all the profits they make.

People are making so much money through these platforms, which also include Depop and Etsy, that HMRC has started gathering sellers’ information so it can clamp down on their earnings. Vinted has some 16 million users in the UK.

The burgeoning popularity of such apps has begun to be noticed by regular charity shop-goers across the country. In June last year, a thread on Mumsnet titled “To think Vinted has killed charity shops?” garnered 460 votes – 73pc of which agreed. Its author said: “I went to three or four in my city yesterday and they were completely barren. I guess because people are now thinking why give their unwanted stuff to a charity when they could make a few bob? It’s a bit sad. I used to love a mooch around a charity shop. But these were seriously slim pickings.”

‘It’s easy to attack charity shops’

Higher prices will ultimately be driven by the number of wealthy customers the shop can attract in any given area. Richard Hudson of Shelter said: “Each shop has a licence to personalise prices to the area. It can often depend on the manager. They are very much run as individual businesses.”

Ms Burnett admitted that “some things will slip through the net” on pricing and that volunteers “won’t get it right every time”. She added: “It’s easy to attack charity shops. But as a sector, we do incredible work and it’s important to have perspective with these incidents. And as for any shop, you don’t have to buy it if it’s too expensive.”

British Heart Foundation shop in Dalston
British Heart Foundation, the parent of BHF Retail, made £24.9m in profit last year

In wealthier areas prices have risen because charities have realised they can charge far more. But in poorer places you might still find charities selling clothes for a couple of pounds. That means the average transaction value has only risen by 16pc between 2013 and 2023 – from £5.59 to £6.49, according to the Charity Retail Association.

This – combined with bargain hunters taking to TikTok – has led to a rise of “charity shop tourism”, as people seek out lower prices and better deals at the risk of pushing up prices. Learning disability charity Fara’s Angel store in north London was shared by TikTok influencer Lottie Lashley, which she dubbed the “cheapest charity shop in London”. In February 2023, she said: “This charity shop has prices that I haven’t seen in probably eight years. Two quid for a top? Are we back in 2010?”

The video, which garnered more than 26,000 likes, prompted comments from locals who were panicking that their “best kept secret” was no longer under wraps.

Social duty

Charity shops are a vital resource for low-income households. The Fundraising Regulator says they benefit the public by “provid[ing] a low-cost way of buying clothing and other items”.

In the late 19th century, charities operated shops with a social duty. The Salvation Army ran salvage stores to help poorer citizens afford to furnish their homes, and no one really cared how much money was raised.

But charity veterans have long argued that providing low-cost items to communities is not the purpose of their shops, rather it is to generate fundraising revenue. And as is the case for most industries, running costs have risen for all charities. Utility bills and increasing wages have eaten into their margins considerably, although charity shops do get 80pc business rates relief.

Responding to criticism that charities’ prices were becoming “greedy” back in 2014, Wendy Mitchell – then deputy chief of the Charity Retail Association – told the Guardian: “I’m comfortable with the idea of charity shops charging what people will pay... Trustees have a legal duty to get the best financial return from their investments, including their shop chains.”

Most big charities run their shops as separate entities on paper, so the parent charities’ balance sheets aren’t affected by retail profits or losses. British Heart Foundation is the parent of “BHF Retail”; it made a net profit of £24.9m in 2023.

Allison Swaine-Hughes, retail director at the British Heart Foundation, said the charity has a digital pricing guide based on the market and “trend data” which is revised “on a regular basis”.


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