Up to 100,000 families will be priced out of private school – this is who they are

Labour Private Schools
Labour Private Schools

Since Labour announced it would introduce VAT on private school fees, the Telegraph Money mailbag has been full of anguished letters from parents in a panic about how they will pay the higher bills – and disappointed by a policy that appears to score political points at their children’s expense.

Not all private school pupils have wealthy families who can easily swallow a 20pc fee rise. They are bursary students, who benefit from private schools’ charitable status and receive funding to cover part or all of their education. They have working-class parents who forgo everyday luxuries from smartphones to Netflix in order to funnel every spare penny into their fees fund. They come from military families and rely on school to be a place of calm permanence in an unpredictable life.

Labour’s policy stands to hit state school pupils too, as the pressure of rising fees is predicted to send an influx of private school students into the state sector, increasing class sizes and diluting resources.

With 40,000 pupils expected to be forced out of independent schools – and as many as 100,000 according to some estimates – it is clear that a significant proportion of private school students do not come from families wealthy enough to absorb the extra cost.

Families across the country will have to face the tough dilemma of finding thousands of pounds more each year to keep their children in their schools, or uprooting them to somewhere new. These are their stories.

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Bursary pupils

Working class families

Special needs students

Extreme budgeters

Military families

Divorced parents

Full-time working parents

The Covid generation

Families planning more children

Adopted children

Talented students

State school children

Private schools have a rich history of offering bursaries to help broaden access – Sir Keir Starmer himself was the beneficiary of a bursary while a sixth form pupil at Reigate Grammar School.

A third of all private school pupils, a total of 182,675, currently receive some level of help with their fees, according to the Independent Schools Council (ISC).

Headteachers have warned that the VAT raid would force private schools to reduce the scholarships and bursaries they offer to the poorest students, with one head saying they would have to cut scholarships and bursaries by 25pc. 

‘When my ex-husband refused to pay his share, the school stepped in’

Lucy Charles, a mother who was suddenly faced with pulling her daughter out of her private school after her ex-husband decided to stop paying his share of the school fees, sitting in her garden
Lucy Charles faced having to pull her daughter out of her school after her ex-husband stopped paying his share of the fees - Tony Buckingham

Lucy Charles: “My daughter was getting ready to take her GCSE exams. She was expected to get a set of wonderful grades – the culmination of many years of hard work. The only unfortunate blot was that her father and I had divorced three years before and although money had been put aside for both of us to pay for her education until sixth form, my ex-husband’s new wife decided that her husband should no longer pay any contribution to the fees. This happened quite suddenly and without warning. Step-mother and daughter had disagreed and this was revenge.

“I found myself with the prospect of having to pay all the fees for the following term. As an art historian and curator, I was not that well-paid and was already making huge financial sacrifices to meet my share of the fees. The school gave us a bursary so that my daughter could sit her GCSE exams without disruption to her mental and educational health. The amount may sound pitiful – it was ‘only’ £6,000 – but to me, at that time, it might well have been £6m. I didn’t have the money and could not raise it.

“Getting a bursary is like all your birthdays coming at once. It is the best thing to ever happen to me (and also to my daughter). I cried, I felt sick with relief and I was so very, very grateful. My job is about protecting our cultural heritage and history and here were people, our school, looking after my child’s future.”

‘A bursary saved my life and protected me from troubles at home’

Anon: “I received a huge bursary from the school, which enabled me to continue my attendance during a time of deep family troubles in which our finances and our life were greatly affected. That bursary saved my life and protected me from all the troubles at home and put me on a different path of life.

“Those three years I got from the school via a bursary were the best few years of my life, which changed me and enabled me to achieve greater things. If Labour imposed VAT, private schools would reduce the amount of bursary they offer. It pains me to see future kids not being able to have the same opportunity.”

‘This policy will create greater division’

Ellen*: “Our 12-year-old has a 100pc means-tested bursary to a private school that costs £7,500 a term. I work a ‘low-grade’ admin job at the University of Oxford. My husband is out of work after Covid forced his business to close. I am incredibly grateful for the help.

“Money is very tight and finding an extra 20pc would be a complete non-starter. It would not be at all affordable for us. If the bursary were withdrawn we would have to send our daughter to the local secondary school. It would be a dreadful outcome – the school is oversubscribed even now.

“What I’m most sad about is the division the policy will cause. It will deny other children the opportunity that my daughter had. Some children, especially those with special educational needs, are just not suited to the state sector.”

The cost of independent school does not make it solely a privilege for the elite. Privately-educated Sir Keir had a tool-maker for a father, after all. For many parents, giving their children the best start in life is their utmost priority. But Labour’s attempt to level out the education system by taxing private schools could create a bigger wealth disparity, killing aspiration for those who struggle to afford the fees.

‘We are roofers, taxi drivers – we don’t have bottomless money pits’

Edward*: “The 20pc increase will just be a step too far for us. Combining this with the cost of living is not feasible and already causing me sleepless nights. All our local schools are heavily oversubscribed. The only one that isn’t and within our catchment area has a ‘needs improvement’ Ofsted rating and has in the past had issues with knife crime.

“Our situation is very common at the school. Talking to other parents, any of us are contacting our local council to see what our options are, but we are being told there are no spaces. At our school the parents are ordinary working people – roofers, painters and decorators, taxi drivers. Labour should visit some of the schools and see that we’re just normal working-class parents trying to do our best for our kids. We don’t have bottomless money pits.”

‘I come from a very poor background in Romania’

Anon: “We don’t consider ourselves rich. I come from a very poor background in Romania and worked very hard to put myself through university and self taught to pass my professional accountancy exams. We make huge efforts to save for the school fees, cutting down on holidays, saving energy and heating, cutting subscriptions of any kind and spending on groceries and social life.”

Labour has said it would exempt children with an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP), a legal document issued by local authorities that can be used to cover private school fees in cases where the child may need additional support because of special needs.

However, The Telegraph has revealed it can take up to two years to process the paperwork – and the legislation does not exist in Scotland. Of the 111,154 private school pupils with special education needs and disabilities (Send), 103,508 do not have an EHCP.

Labour’s own shadow health secretary Bridget Phillipson has previously admitted the system is “broken” and “adversarial”.

Julie Robinson, chief executive of the ISC, said Labour could be “sleepwalking into a Send catastrophe.”

‘This isn’t elitist, the state system isn’t designed for kids like my son’

Amanda: “As a single parent from a working-class background, I removed my son from his previous state school due to special educational needs which were not addressed. I do not send my son to an independent school to obtain some sort of ‘elitist’ privilege. I send him there in order that he won’t be put at a disadvantage by a system that isn’t designed to support children with specialist needs.

“I work extremely hard to send my child here, taking on a number of jobs. Despite the stereotype of ‘rich’ private school parents, I am by no means rich. Unlike my friends with children in state schools (who do not have Send, and thus cope better with this system), I have very little ‘extra money’. I am a master at budgeting, most things I buy are second-hand, I do not have a car or go on foreign holidays, and despite the calls for private school parents to cancel Netflix, I do not have a television, never mind TV subscriptions.

“Children with Send are simply seen as collateral damage to push through an extremely ill thought-out policy. As a former Labour supporter, I feel both saddened and sickened by this policy which seems to view independent school parents as some sort of ‘toff’ caricature, who is able to simply sell an antique painting to cover school costs. It reflects a poor understanding of the realities of people’s life, and disdain for the impact it will have on children with Send.”

‘I’m dismayed by the impact of this policy of envy on children’s lives’

Carrie Ruxton photographed at home. Her daughter is dyslexic and needs learning support so she sends her to a small private girls' school
Carrie Ruxton's daughter needs learning support, which is not adequately provided in state schools - Chris Watt

Carrie Ruxton: “My daughter is dyslexic and needs learning support so I send her to a small private girls’ school. The VAT rise is grossly unfair as learning support provision in state schools is inadequate.

“I wonder how the extra money will benefit state schools since, according to my neighbour who is a secondary teacher in a state school, the main issue is poor behaviour among a small proportion of pupils. She is not allowed to exclude pupils from her class, and so much of her time is taken up dealing with a few abusive, disruptive pupils which impacts on other learners.

“How will extra money fix this? Will an influx of private school pupils into state schools make this problem better or worse? How will state school pupils’ education fare during the years it will take for Labour to channel the new tax money into teachers and facilities? I am dismayed about the impact of this policy of envy on the lives of children.”

Private school fees increased by an average of 8pc this year, driven up by inflationary pressures and the soaring cost of teacher pensions. Labour has used this as justification for its tax raid, on the basis that rising fees means parents can afford to pay more.

The reality is many families live month to month and make significant sacrifices in order to meet school bills. These families feel they will be penalised for choosing to spend their hard-earned income on their children’s education instead of household luxuries and holidays abroad.

‘I’m at the limits of affordability – I earn less than most modest families’

Anon: “I am a single parent, working full-time for the NHS. I make huge sacrifices to send my son to private school and am at the limits of affordability. Adding VAT to the fees will mean I can no longer afford to send my son to private school, even with a partial bursary.

“My child directly benefits from the charity of private schools, as do many other children. I have less income than most two-parent families with modest salaries, but unlike them I do not have several holidays a year, a posh car, TV subscriptions and meals out.

“The reality is that adding VAT to private school fees will price parents like myself, who choose to sacrifice life’s luxuries to send their children to private school, out of private education.”

‘We worked every hour and had to take out loans to pay the fees’

Laraine Kirkham: “We put our children in private education because of the poor state of our local comprehensive school. The fees were a noose around our necks for 18 years, during which time we had to take out loans to top up our joint salaries in order just to live. It was a sacrifice we chose to make for our children.

“Both my husband and I worked every hour that God sent to give our daughters the best start in life. This is in no way derogatory about the state system. I taught in it for nearly 40 years.

“The majority of parents of children at private schools up and down the country are not overwhelmingly wealthy; they are ordinary folk who work very hard to send their children to private schools. Rather than ‘level up’ society, a levy on private fees will create a greater divide between the very wealthy, for whom this increase will not matter, and those ordinary folk who want to give their children the best they can.”

‘We don’t have Sky,the fridge is often empty and I use an old Nokia’

Anon: “When we initially enrolled my son at his private school, our family of four lived in a small two-bedroom shared ownership housing association property. We couldn’t even afford to rent a property on our low income. But our son was clearly very bright and so we decided to prioritise his education above literally everything else.

“[My partner and I] haven’t even been able to afford to have time off at the same time as each other because we have never been able to afford childcare during the long school holidays.

“And as for luxuries, I still use an old Nokia 1100 phone because there is no way I could ever afford a smartphone. We don’t have Sky TV, we don’t go out for meals, we don’t go to the pub, our fridge is virtually empty as we sometimes struggle to buy the basics. We consider fresh fruit juice a luxury.”

‘I have two jobs and we sold our home’

Anon: “We have our three children in private school. To facilitate this, I work two jobs and my husband works between 60 and 70 hours a week. We have chosen to put their education above holidays, and recently sold our home to continue paying fees for them. The tax will make it all a step too far.”

Those serving in the Armed Forces have dedicated their working lives to serving their country. They have given up the luxury of choosing where to live – near family or the most suitable state schools – and when to move house, as they can be relocated during the school year.

For some military families, private education is the only option and can be a sanctuary of stability for their children.

‘Our family has been at the mercy of the Government for 25 years’

Marie Gardner*: “I joined the Armed Forces 25 years ago. I don’t need to reiterate the sacrifices my colleagues risked and gave their lives for their country. My partner and I were a dual serving couple when we started our family. Our little family has been at the mercy of the Government and military need for all of that time.

“I have a child in state school and a child in an independent. Both will now suffer. Due to the debilitating and deteriorating state of educational and children’s mental health support available to us and being geographically dislocated from family, we as parents had to intervene to provide one of our children the stability of an education in an environment that was best suited to them.

“It has cost us our savings, it has had financial implications for our mortgage, we drive an old car that was made when Labour were last in power. It means we will not take family holidays, it means we make big sacrifices. But it’s for our children, and let’s face it, they are why I live and breath.

“The 20pc tax to be added to the school fees will price us and many others out of that option. The bursaries granted to children whose parents cannot pull together the money will be reduced as schools try to absorb what they can. How will they absorb – cut teachers, cut staff, cut jobs for people in the local community who depend on the school for their incomes?

“Of course there are elite earners who can continue in private education – so all Labour will create is a much more pronounced class divide. They will lose the support of a swathe of mid-salary earners who feel more punished than ever, and a future generation who will recognise this Labour government as the team that destroyed their education.”

‘We could end up homeless and in debt after decades of service’

Anon: “We are a military family. Our child is in an independent school as a necessity, not a choice or a luxury. By the time he was four he had lived in five houses – three military and my wife’s parents while we waited to complete on the one we felt forced to buy. We applied for state school and were refused, being told we had a place in the county where I was previously posted. When we applied in the town where we bought a home for stability, we were told there were no places.

“We applied for local senior schools but were not given a place initially and not one that was practical to reach. My wife doesn’t drive so couldn’t do the considerable school run. I was only able to be home once a fortnight. My wife had to live, like many military spouses, as a single parent.

“We sold our house and moved back into service housing which has mould, a leaking roof, blocked drains, mice and now a bees nest. We scrimped even more; we got by. Now our son has made his GCSE choices, and our choice is to use our life savings or take him out of the school and ruin his education. If we use our life savings, when it comes to leaving the Army in four years we genuinely face the prospect of being homeless and in debt after 34 years’ service. I joined as a private soldier and worked damn hard to go up the ranks. Not really much of a ‘thank you for your service’.

“Service parents are sick with worry. Local authorities are posting on their websites that they are not accepting transfers. There might be capacity in the state sector but is there enough around garrison towns such as Catterick, Portsmouth, Plymouth, Winchester, Tidworth, Bulford, Larkhill, for example?

“We accept that service life can suck sometimes. We sacrifice birthdays, anniversaries, Christmases, we live apart for months on end. But we do it to take care of the people we love. Now someone is victimising our children for soundbites, and that’s hard to stomach. The children of those that prop up society in times of crisis would seem to be irrelevant collateral damage. Service people will resign over this. How does that look when we apparently can’t recruit and there is again war in Europe?

“I and other colleagues served in Afghanistan. We thought we were bringing stability and education as a right to all children, particularly girls who had been denied it for so long. Not only was that campaign for nothing but now our potential government wants to treat education as a luxury and not a right that members of an international coalition literally died for.

“My son’s school is in the top 20pc of large employers in Somerset. It directly employs over 2,100 people in the local community. It has paid over £21m to HMRC. Teaching staff have voluntarily given their own time to teaching in the community equating to nearly £700,000 of time. And there are far more second-hand cars in the school car park than Bentleys and Range Rovers!”

At a time of emotional upheaval at home, being forced to move schools could add a significant amount of stress for the children of the tens of thousands of couples who divorce each year.

Splitting finances creates difficulties when it comes to large expenditures such as private school fees – particularly in acrimonious break-ups where one partner may decide not to contribute anymore or a new family may change a parent’s financial situation.

A 20pc increase in school fees on top of this – particularly where this burden must be shouldered by one parent – would push many children out of private schools just when they are in need of stability.

‘This is pushing my child into further stress and depression’

Anon: “Following a hard divorce, my son’s dad refuses to pay this increase [in school fees] and it has pushed my child and me over the edge. My child has just about settled in and is undergoing immense mental health issues following traumatic events in our personal life. That he has to face this on top is incomprehensible.

“I cannot access a bursary because his dad is a high earner but is refusing to support him, and I am now in debt with no further options. My child and I are being pushed into further stress and are deeply depressed. The school he is attending is his only secure place to be himself and thrive, and now that’s being threatened.

“Not everyone going private does so for luxury reasons, and hitting one side of the education system to feed another is eating off each other’s plate during a time of crisis.”

Many working parents rely on the wraparound care that private schools provide. Breakfast clubs that open as early as 7.30am and afterschool activities that run until 6pm allow parents to keep their full-time jobs. Many state schools do not have these provisions – and paying for a nanny to fill the childcare gap can end up a pricier alternative than private school.

‘The NHS will lose yet another doctor’

Anon: “I am a paediatric consultant, and our school’s wraparound care, network and flexible boarding options are vital for me to continue working full-time. If I pull my children out (having by some miracle found space for them in our overwhelmed state system), I will either have to work part-time or give up my career entirely because we have no support network for childcare outside school hours. The NHS will lose yet another doctor and what I pay in income tax will drop dramatically.”

Pupils have already faced severe disruption to their studies, with the Covid outbreak closing schools for up to six months in 2020 and again the following year. Online lessons became commonplace, stunting young people’s academic and social development.

According to research from the Nuffield Foundation, an education charity, this loss of learning could become the “worst legacy” of the pandemic and “scar” a generation of children.

Labour’s VAT raid could send a fresh shockwave through these pupils’ school careers.

‘My kids have already lived through the debacle of Covid schooling’

Anon: “I have three kids in private school. They have already lived through the debacle of Covid schooling. Labour wants to improve the mental health of children in school, but unfortunately [this will] damage the mental health of those who will be forced to change schools and leave friendship groups, having already had to cope with a disrupted school life during Covid.

“I have had to move my mortgage to majority interest-only to pay for already inflated school fees. I have inquired about availability at our local state schools but there are no places in the better schools close to our home.”

The UK has an ageing population, with an increasing proportion of pensioners to workers. The fertility rate across England and Wales fell to 1.49 children per woman in 2022, from 1.55 the previous year, according to the Office for National Statistics.

More than one in five would-be parents have delayed or abandoned plans to have children because of the higher cost of living. For some of those who make private education a financial priority, the VAT levy would make having more children entirely unaffordable.

‘The levy will result in us not having more children’

Anon: “The proposed levy will probably result in us choosing not to have more children as we will be less likely to afford their education. Fundamentally my daughter’s school is chosen by hard-working (often public sector/NHS) parents who value small class sizes and high-quality wraparound care. The state sector in our city does not meet those requirements.”

‘This is behind our decision to stay a one-child family’

Robert Antell from Andover, Hampshire is worried about the impacts of Labour's VAT policy on his daughter's school should the party win the election
Robert Antell, who is the son of a factory worker, finds it insulting that 'Starmer talks about being a tool-maker's son but then seeks to deny others the opportunities he had' - ©Russell Sach

Robert Antell: “The VAT proposals have had a destabilising effect on our daughter’s school, even before the election has been held. Our main worry is that student numbers will shrink at the school as a result of the policy, which could put pressure on what they can provide, and my daughter’s class size may dwindle to her detriment.

“This proposal was part of our decision to stay a one-child family because the impending extra costs adds doubts about whether we could provide the same education for a second child.

“I am the son of a factory worker and find it insulting that Keir Starmer keeps on about being the son of a tool-maker, and then his party seeks to deny others the opportunities that he had.”

One of the hidden costs in Labour’s VAT plan is the money that state schools will be able to claim for every adopted child they educate, thanks to a funding initiative called Pupil Premium Plus. As this adoptive parent explains, the numbers don’t add up.

‘The finances absolutely do not stack up’

Anon: “If our child has to move to a state school come September 2025, not only will the Labour Party not accrue the VAT it thinks it’s going to get, but the taxpayer will need to find another £2,530 a year. This is because a school can recover this value for any previously looked-after child on its books under what is known as Pupil Premium Plus. (The money is not ring-fenced to the child, however, it just goes to the school budget and there’s plenty of evidence to question its effectiveness.) So aside from the extreme negative impact on a previously looked-after child that a school move will have, the finances absolutely do not stack up.”

Private schools provide a unique opportunity for gifted children to thrive. Olympic gold medallist Tom Daley received a scholarship to study at £20,628-a-year Plymouth College, which has a partnership with one of the country’s top swimming clubs. Countless choristers, musicians, actors and athletes have private education – often funded by scholarships – to thank for their artistic and sporting prowess.

‘I’m a police officer – my kids sing at professional level’

Anon: “My children have learned to sing at a professional level and have developed an absolute passion for choral music. None of this would have been possible if they did not receive considerable financial support to go to independent schools. My partner is a social worker and I am a police officer, so we are both on basic public sector salaries. It would be obvious to anyone looking up our pay scales that we cannot afford to pay for private schools from our wages. We don’t have any well-off grandparents able to help with the fees either.”

And finally, the pupils Labour really doesn’t want to accept are going to lose out because of this policy. Shadow ministers have repeatedly dodged the question of how state schools are going to absorb the tens of thousands of additional pupils who are predicted to be forced out of private schools.

Shadow attorney general Emily Thornberry offered a momentary glimpse of reality when she admitted the VAT raid would lead to larger state school class sizes – before she was quickly slapped down by Sir Keir and Ms Phillipson.

Union bosses have already refused to rule out strike action if staff were asked to do more work and have warned Labour to “think through the consequences” of its proposal.

‘The system will fall to pieces – there will be no spaces’

Samantha Howell, from Burgess Hill, West Sussex, with her daughter
West Sussex council has offered to place Samantha Howell's daughter in a mainstream school but first needs funding to adapt the environment for her needs - ©Russell Sach

Samantha Howell: “My four-year-old daughter has autism and I’ve visited a dozen schools over the past year within a 20-mile radius of my home. They are either not able to cater for my daughter’s needs or are full.

“The system is going to fall to pieces, absolute pieces, because there are going to be no spaces for anyone. There are going to be children who aren’t getting any help. It will be horrendous. State schools are failing the children and you just feel so alone dealing with it.

“There will be a domino effect, it will be awful. Surely Labour can see how bad this is?”

‘Where are they going to put all these extra children?’

Anon: “I have two children, one in a state school and one in an independent. I run my own company, and work long hours to be able to afford to send the eldest to independent school. I would have sent the younger one too this September, but because of the uncertainty I have held back. My child in state school is already in a class of 30-plus – where are they going to put all these extra children? Neither children of state or private schools will benefit from this, and it makes me disgusted that Labour would put out a policy where all children lose.”

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*Names have been changed.
