Postcode house price checker

house price
house price

This tool provides a way to search for your postcode, using official data from HM Land Registry, to find out what has been going on in the market in your neighbourhood over the past year. It is updated every month.

Postcode house price checker

How to use this calculator

Simply enter your postcode – or whichever postcode you want to search for – into the box and click the “Search” button.

How it works

The calculator matches the postcode you search for with its data from HM Land Registry and the Office for National Statistics (ONS) to show the average house price over the past 12 months, and the average percentage change over the same period of time.

This is then compared to the average price change for the wider local authority and the national average.

Your neighbourhood is shown in bold at the top of the list, and below it you can scroll through the other nearby neighbourhoods to see how they compare.

The figures quoted are averages of all property transactions – including detached, semi-detached, terraced houses and flats – within each of the 7,000-odd neighbourhoods in Britain.

These areas, called MSOAs (Middle Layer Super Output Areas), have between 5,000 and 15,000 residents. To ensure reliable results, those with fewer than 30 transactions over the year have been excluded, and percentage changes have been adjusted for the different mix of property sale types in either year.

What is this calculator useful for?

This calculator can be useful for anyone considering buying or selling a property. If house prices in a certain area have seen a downturn, for example, it could signal bargains to be had for buyers – but sellers might decide to stay put.

Alternatively, if buyers are finding their first choice neighbourhood outstrips their budget, this tool can show where they might find a cheaper option nearby.
