How record immigration is paying for Tory tax cuts

tax cuts
tax cuts

Record immigration means the Treasury can afford the tax cuts announced in the Autumn Statement this week, economists have said.

Net migration reached 672,000 in the year to June 2023, up from 606,000 a year ago, according to figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) published on Thursday.

The ONS also revised upwards its estimated net migration for the year to December 2022, saying it reached a record high of 745,000.

A forecasted increase in net migration will boost the annual tax revenue by around £18bn in four years’ time – giving the Chancellor room to make cuts, analysis of data from the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) shows.

The Chancellor this week announced tax cuts for business and workers worth £20bn, with a larger than expected reduction in National Insurance from January.

The spending watchdog had predicted a fall in immigration because of Brexit but has revised its forecast upwards since March 2022.

The OBR uses the size of the working population, multiplied by productivity, to estimate economic output over the next few years.

Jonathan Portes, an economics professor at King’s College London, said this has led to an uplift in projected tax revenues by around £18bn in 2027/28.

He said the OBR now predicts GDP will be 1.5pc higher in 2027/28 than it would have been with lower immigration, or about £40bn in today’s prices.

In its March 2022 forecasts the OBR had projected net migration of about 500,000 from 2022/23 to 2027/28, but is now assuming 1.5 million.

Professor Portes said the increase of one million migrants translates to around 500,000 to 600,000 more workers. The Chancellor has used the OBR’s forecasts to determine how much headroom he has to cut taxes such as national insurance.

Prof Portes said: “There clearly are a lot of people who want tax cuts but will then make a big song and dance about continued high immigration figures seen somehow as a policy failure. It is the growth that comes from immigration that is in part allowing those tax cuts to be made.”

Asked if a drastic cut to immigration would risk reducing the Treasury’s tax take, he said: “It’s more than a risk: it’s a high probability.”

It comes as ministers are expected to set out proposals to reduce immigration by requiring foreign workers to have a salary of at least £30,000 to come to Britain.

Although immigration from EU countries has fallen since Brexit, there has been a surge in people coming from non-EU countries, including workers.

Nearly one million (968,000) non-EU nationals came to the UK in the past year, compared with just 129,000 EU nationals and 84,000 returning Britons, the ONS said.

The main drivers of higher net migration levels have been international students, dependents and people arriving with humanitarian visas from places like Ukraine and Hong Kong, according to the OBR.

The biggest proportion of non-EU migrants in the year to June were students (39pc), which was largely unchanged from the previous year, according to the ONS. The increase in non-EU immigration in the past year was mainly driven by migrants coming for work, particularly those coming on health and care visas.

Andrew Goodwin, chief UK economist at Oxford Economics, said: “The OBR’s assumption for potential output is basically productivity growth plus people. Productivity growth has been pretty miserable for quite a while. And though they have quite an optimistic forecast for that, it’s actually the people-part that’s been revised up over time.”

He said the majority of people coming to Britain are of working age and are “contributing positively to the economy”.

Mr Goodwin added: “As a rule of thumb, the more migrants the stronger the public finances, so certainly, if you were to have much lower levels of migrations, that would generally require much higher taxes to actually pay for public services.”

However, experts including Mr Goodwin believe net migration levels will decline. The OBR said recent immigration levels “should also result in higher levels of emigration in the coming years”.

The spending watchdog said international students were likely to leave but have also been staying for longer periods because of a new graduate visa route that allows them to stay for two years after they finish their qualifications.

The OBR expects net migration to fall back towards its long-run level of 245,000 by 2026/27 amid tighter restrictions on international students bringing dependents and increases in immigration fees announced since March.

In the run-up to fiscal events, the group comes up with non-partisan forecasts based on current policies as a starting point. It will then factor in changes that the Government tells it it’s planning to do, such as different spending assumptions and tax changes.

The OBR will give the Government a broad set of parameters and the Chancellor will then set policy that achieves the fiscal rules while achieving its goals as much as possible.

Alan Manning, a former head of the Government’s Migration Advisory Committee and a professor at the London School of Economics, agreed that if immigration is higher than expected “that’s going to make the public finances look better than expected in the short run”.

In the short run, he said immigrants who come to the UK tend to be working and are not eligible for welfare benefits, making them net contributors to the UK economy.

However, he said there are caveats. The way the OBR does its short-term forecasts keeps expenditure on things like health and education fixed when the population goes up.

This does not take into account that migrants, even when they are working age and therefore healthier than average, will likely use some health expenditure and may have children who need state-provided education.

Professor Manning, one of Europe’s leading labour economists, said the OBR has been very transparent about this limitation, but he said it is a “sensible” process because it’s also the way the Government models its public expenditure.

When the Government does its financial planning it tells departments how much they will get and if the number of children is higher than expected they have to “scramble around trying to manage with that”, he said.

Prof Manning said: “That’s just the way the Government does it; it’s really got nothing to do with immigration. It’s not a conspiracy to make immigration look better for the public finances.”

The other issue is that migrants get older, which changes their economic impact over time.

Prof Manning added: “As you get older, then often there comes a point at which your net fiscal contribution becomes negative: you’re getting more out of the state than you’re putting in, you’re not working maybe, you’re not so healthy, you’re getting a pension and you become eligible for welfare benefits if you settle in the UK permanently.

“The short run impacts of immigration on the public finances tend to be better than the long run.”


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