Napping Cat’s Comical Reaction to Automatic Feeder Sound Is One for the Record Books


If your pet has an automatic feeder that gives them meals on schedule, chances are that at times they sit around waiting for it to drop the food. They have this innate and uncanny sense of time that I'll never understand! But Grimm_Megami's tabby kitten doesn't have to wait for it. No matter what they're doing, as soon as they hear the automatic feeder go off, they're immediately there for it!

The video (it's only 10 seconds long) was posted at the end of August and starts with us watching an adorable napping kitten. Before I even heard the feeder start dropping food, the kitten was up and out of the frame! Make sure your sound is on so you can understand just how fast this kitten really is!

That tabby kitten wasted no time heading over to start chowing down! As you can imagine, Grimm's video immediately went viral and has nearly 22 million views, 5 million likes, and over 19 thousand comments. People loved it!

Commenter @LordHybe got more than 297 thousand likes when he said, "Bro used flash step." I couldn't help but laugh when @esautrash pointed out, "Bro cancelled his yawn midway." @Latajia wasn't wrong when they said, "The fastest cat ever!" and @uuoah was blown away, along with 232 thousand others who liked their comment, "Not kitty subconsciously waking up seconds before it goes off!!!!"

Related: Cat Impatiently Waits for the Automatic Feeder to Go Off in Hilarious Viral Video

Are Smart Feeders Worth the Cost?

We are a busy family, and everybody is always on the go. I'm the one who normally feeds our dog, and if I'm gone, I have to remind the others that she needs to be fed. I've thought about getting an automatic feeder but they're pricey. They almost seem too good to be true; you just program it, set it, and forget it, and having to remember to feed your cat or dog on time becomes a thing of the past. Are they worth their price tags?

Automatic feeders come in handy for busy families, for moms like me who don't want to have to check one more thing off of their To-Do lists, and for pet parents that work long hours or spend a lot of time away from home. Pets don't like to wait a minute longer than they have to for chow time, so it's great if you have your fur baby on a regular feeding schedule and a convenience worth checking out if you want to make sure your pet is always fed on time.

I've checked out several different feeders and the biggest complaint that I see about automatic feeders is that they sometimes malfunction, meaning that they don't dispense any food at all. This can be frustrating for your pet of course, but also for those of us who would always have to second guess and double check whether the feeder is actually doing its job after just one malfunction. If I'm always double-checking it, I might as well just feed my dog myself!

That being said, it's best that you don't solely rely on an automatic feeder for feedings, especially if you're going on a long vacation or even just leaving for a day or two. One simple malfunction could mean your pet doesn't get fed while you're away. Always have a backup plan; hire a pet sitter or have a friend or family member check in on your pet to make sure they're not missing any meals. It's always better to be safe than sorry.

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