Nebelung Cat's Cute Way of Asking for Dad’s Attention While He’s Doing Chores Is Too Sweet

CC Nils Jacobi/Shutterstock

Typically, we think of cats being the hands-off type. They're usually content to keep themselves entertained. But one cat's affectionate nature really has people smitten on the internet. And a clip of the cat begging its owner for a little attention is so incredibly sweet.

Maybe Ash sensed that his owner didn't want to be washing dishes anymore. Or, more likely, the cat simply wanted some affection.

Not that his owner minded. In the video the man shared, it shows him dutifully cleaning his dishes at the sink. But then Ash strolls over looking for a little love. He taps his owner's arm as if to say, "hello dear, can I have a hug?"

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The gray cat proceeded to snuggle up to his owner's arm and rub his head on him. We guess he wanted some kisses, and thankfully his owner was happy to oblige.

"The absolute joy he brings me," the man wrote on the video's text overlay.

"Definitely the sweetest cat on TikTok! My absolute best friend!" the man added in the caption.

The comments section was melting after watching the clip. "I've never seen a cat so full of love," wrote one commenter. "Just showed my Calico this… the slow turn and look of disgust she gave me," someone else teased. "You can literally see the love hearts in his eyes," chimed in another commenter. "Nebelung cats are the sweetest and most affectionate kitties I’ve ever met," another commenter pointed out.

All About Nebelung Cats

With their trademark blueish-gray fur and large green eyes, Nebelung cats are very beloved creatures. Sometimes known as longhaired Russian Blue cats, these cats are known to be shy from time to time. They don't really love meeting new people and fair much better in homes where there isn't a lot of noise.

That being said, when they're with their people, they shine. They can be extremely warm and affectionate, as can be seen above. Again, they might take some time getting this way — with strangers they have a hard time warming up.

However, once a Nebelung feels comfortable in a home they can practically become your shadow. They can follow you from room to room, and will of course ask for pets. These cats are good with children, but again, aren't huge fans of a lot of ruckus. So keep that in mind before bringing one home.

Obviously, this Nebelung feels very comfortable with his owner. We can see why he's so in love with his adorable pet.

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