Neighborhood Cat Insists on Joining Labrador Retriever and Bulldog on Daily Walk and It's Too Cute

Shutterstock / Luana Berti

One of the things I soon learned about having cats when I got mines that cats keep a schedule. If you are five minutes late opening their can of food in the morning, they know about it. They have specific napping spots for morning, midday, afternoon, and evening reposes, and mine in particular will yell at me if I’m not properly stationed at the petting place for cuddle time at the appropriate hour.

So it does not surprise me at all that this family’s neighbor cat—named Oliver—knows exactly when they will be passing by his yard so he can join them on their daily walks. Cats, huh? Gotta love ‘em.

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In this video, we see the daily ritual that Oliver has now come to rely on. He waits nearby until he sees the family coming around the stroller—adult human, small human in a stroller, senior Labrador Retriever Gunny and English Bulldog Emmy—and joins them on the sidewalk.

Related: Cat Insists on Going for Walks with Beagle Best Friend and It's Precious

It’s a sweet tradition, and one that they’ve been regularly engaging in for an entire year.

This isn’t the only time Oliver has come to hang out with his favorite doggie friends. In fact, he likes to sunbathe on the porch with the pups as well as drop by for a morning visit—sometimes as early as six-thirty a.m.

It’s become an amusing ritual for Gunny and Emmy’s owners, and one they are definitely mining for social media clout.

Cats Choose Their Companions

Another thing I soon learned about cats was that they chose their people very carefully. One of our cats decided that my eldest daughter was her person. She tolerates me and my other child, but my daughter is the one she waits by the window for at the end of the ever school day, and hers is the only lap deemed suitable for sitting. She even sleeps in bed with the kid every night. Meanwhile, our other cat will only cuddle with me. (This does leave my other child feeling left out and wondering when it is we’re going to get her a dog.)

Some cats have such strong feelings about their living situations that they will actually run away from home if they are unhappy or find anew neighbors with whom to live. Many people have discovered that they suddenly “have a cat” because it broke into their house and decided to live there.

Luckily, Oliver seems to be a happy kitty with a happy home. He’s just a sociable animal who wants to hang out with his very best friends, the neighbor dogs, and accompany them on walks.

Cats Who Like Walks

Though it’s more common to take a dog for a daily walk, your cat may like getting out int he fresh air and exercise too. Some cats can be trained to walk on a leash or to walk beside their owners, but before you let your cat out of the house, make sure they are properly vaccinated and up to date on heartworm prevention medications, as well as flea and tick preventatives. For some cats, a leash is the best way to see the great outdoors, while others prefer riding in kitty strollers or backpacks. But it’s always an alternative option to just letting your cat roam free.

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