Neighborhood Kids Rename Golden Retriever and He Takes It in Stride

CC V_Lisovoy/Shutterstock

The connection between dogs and kids is hysterical. It's like they're equally matched. Just take a look at a Golden Retriever who is beloved by the neighborhood kids — even though they sort of can't get his name right.

Haruki is the center of attention every time he goes out for a walk. But it would probably taste a little sweeter if the kids actually knew what he was called.

Shared by his owner, a video shows the Golden Retriever getting swarmed by the neighborhood kids.

"Marshmallow! Marshmallowwww," the kids yelled in the footage as they ran to the Golden and his mama. Well this is awkward. Who's going to tell them that Marshmallow is actually Haruki?

Related: Golden Retriever and Toddler's Game of 'Hide and Seek' Is Too Cute for Words

"When the neighborhood kids love seeing you on your daily walks but they have renamed you 'Marshmallow,'" the dog's mom joked in the onscreen caption.

It's hard to be mad when there's a gaggle of kids just waiting to give you pets. Sadly for Haruki, the comments section thought the whole thing was sort of hilarious. "He's like 'don't ruin this for me, I am now Marshmallow,'" joked one person. "Don’t embarrass him with his government name. The streets know him as Marshmallow," someone else teased. "'We thought we wouldn’t see you today' STOOPPPP," another commenter added. Amazingly another commenter had a similar problem with their pet. "The neighborhood kids call my cat 'Phat Gus' but his name is Casper," they shared.

Most Common Pet Names 2024

Naming your pet isn't easy. And while you may not choose a name like Marshmallow (or Phat Gus for that matter), there are names that sort of make the rounds. In 2024 there have been certain dog names that have been very popular. Here are just a few that keep popping up:

Now obviously there are no right or wrong answers when it comes to naming your female dogs. But there are some names that have been real winners this year. Like Sadie, it's super popular! Other female dog names that people love are Nova, Willow, Nala, Stella, Bailey, and Lucy. In the top three spots are Daisy, Bella, and Luna. How cute!

As for male dogs, the trend seems to be short, one-syllable names. Like Leo, Moose, and Finn. Other names that people love are Ollie, Oliver, and Zeus. Loki is another winner, and the top three names for males are Bear, Cooper, and Milo.

Again, there are no wrong answers! But you may want to make your pet's name clear to any kids in your area, just in case.

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