Newfoundland Pouting About Not Sleeping With His Person Tugs at the Heartstrings

Dolores M. Harvey/Shutterstock

Every dog and owner has their own preferred sleeping conditions, but there are tons of pet parents (like me) who love cuddling with their fur babies at night. Some people can even sleep soundly while their dog hogs the covers, but it can also be tricky to fit the whole pack on one bed. Sometimes, there's just no room to lie comfortably, but other times, your canine roommates are causing the drama!

One family of dog owners knows exactly what that's like. Chewy the Newfoundland loves to sleep with his human sister--and so does his fur brother! That may sound like a dream come true, but it gets tricky, considering that the two dogs don't get along. The good news is that their sis thought of a solution, but the bad news is that someone's always feeling left out. On August 23, it was Chewy's turn to wait, but not even his family could resist his pitiful pouting.

Aww! This sweet Newfoundland dog wants to sleep in his sister's room so badly, but at least she got out of bed to give him a cuddle. It's not as comforting as spending the whole night with her, but it's the next best thing!

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Even though viewers felt heartbroken by the gentle giant's pouting response, many of them could relate to his family's bittersweet struggle.

"I used to get so sad when my dogs did this," shared commenter @777_madss, "but thankfully they get along now." What wonderful news! Many other commenters expressed hope for Chewy and his fur sibling, but it's just as heartwarming to know that this dedicated family will have their dogs' backs no matter what. That's the kind of love and dedication that every pet deserves from their forever family!

Why Dogs Don't Get Along

It's never anyone's first choice to have dogs who don't get along living together, but it can sometimes happen regardless of an owner's best efforts. Some dogs who weren't raised alongside other puppies won't like having other dogs around later in life, but others will become friends with their fur siblings over time.

The best thing you can do to help your current dog and new dog get along is to take things slow. Don't force them to interact! You should arrange a family meeting with your potential new dog before committing to an adoption just to ensure everyone gets along, but sometimes, a conflict occurs long after your dogs have gotten to know each other.

In situations where a dog is becoming reactive, defensive, or even aggressive, you should consider studying dog training or hiring a dog trainer for their expert opinion. Some dogs just prefer to live a solitary life, but other disagreements can be solved more quickly than you think!

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