Angela Rayner says NHS plan won’t cost anything, despite £50bn price tag

Angela Rayner seen walking towards the camera in a white jacket
Angela Rayner, Labour's deputy leader, has defended sticking to a plan unveiled by the Tories - Thomas Krych/Story

Angela Rayner has claimed Labour delivering the NHS workforce plan will not cost anything, despite warnings of a £50 billion annual price tag.

The deputy opposition leader defended her party’s manifesto commitment to push ahead with the 15-year blueprint unveiled by the Government last year.

It comes after the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS), an influential think tank, said the workforce plan will raise health service spending by around 2 per cent of GDP – equivalent to an extra £50 billion a year.

When Labour published its manifesto last week, the IFS said it provided “no detail” about NHS funding in the next Parliament, “beyond some small amounts” set aside for hospital equipment.

The Labour manifesto states: “We will deliver the NHS long-term workforce plan to train the staff we need to get patients seen on time.” When asked on Friday morning how much it would cost to implement, Ms Rayner said there would be a focus on reform and spending money more efficiently.

Asked if delivering the plan would be cost-neutral, Ms Rayner told the BBC Radio 4 Today programme: “With our proposals to bring down the waiting lists with 40,000 more appointments, by ending the non-dom status…

“I actually think by having that workforce plan – and I have worked in the social care sector before, and I represented Unison members who worked in our NHS for years as their convenor as well – I actually think we could save money if we can do those reforms.

“If we can value the staff, if we can retain the staff so we are not paying huge agency fees, I actually think we could save money, never mind coming in cost-neutral.”

Agency costs ‘a scandal’

Ms Rayner said it was a scandal that so much was being spent on agency staff, and said patients were being kept on trolleys in A&E departments because “we don’t have the right support for people at the right time”.

Sir Keir Starmer said during a BBC Question Time leaders’ event on Thursday he had a “fully-costed” workforce plan for the NHS – but the £1.8 billion of top-up funding included in the Labour manifesto is earmarked for commitments other than staffing, and the workforce plan would require a significant increase in the number of NHS employees.

The IFS noted that £1.8 billion is less than 1 per cent of the £192 billion that was spent on health and social care in England in the last financial year.

“Delivering on all these promises would be expensive,” said the IFS. “It would almost certainly require real-terms funding growth upwards of 3 per cent per year.”

The think tank added it was “impossible to judge whether meeting these commitments is credible” because of the lack of detail in the Labour manifesto.

Backed by Tories and Labour

The workforce plan, the first of its kind, was devised by the NHS and has been backed by both Labour and the Conservatives.

It will involve doubling medical school places in England from 7,500 to 15,000 and investing an extra £1 billion in training medical professionals beyond the general election.

Labour sources insisted actions in the workforce plan were backed by £2.4 billion in government funding up until 2028-29, saying funds would be covered by existing baseline spending arrangements.

It takes five years until trainees become junior doctors, meaning the costs of employing staff will gradually increase as the plan goes forward.
