Bellwether seat dispatch: It’s going down to the wire in Ashfield – between Lee Anderson and Labour

Leader of Reform UK Nigel Farage (L) and Lee Anderson standing for Reform UK in Ashfield, walk together, during a visit to Ashfield in north England, on June 11, 2024,
Nigel Farage and Lee Anderson, visiting Ashfield on June 11, are leading the race according to a recent YouGov poll - Darren Staples

Each week, The Telegraph will be taking the temperature in key constituencies around the country whose result could point the way for how the country will vote in July’s election. This week: Sutton-in-Ashfield

There are plenty of streets in the country right now where evidence of the general election is scant. Not so in Ashfield. In the Nottinghamshire constituency currently held by Reform UK’s Lee Anderson, election placards outnumber England flags – with even the Euros seemingly second to politics in people’s priorities.

Most of the boards trumpet either Reform or Jason Zadrozny, a local independent candidate who is the leader of the district council and – by his own reckoning, at least – threatens to snatch the seat. The only hitch for Zadrozny: he’s currently awaiting a criminal trial for what he says are false allegations cooked up by his political opponents.

And while Labour, for its part, has realistic hopes of winning back this one-time brick in the Red Wall after losing it in 2019, recent polling suggests Anderson – who defected to Reform in March, becoming the party’s first-ever MP – will hang on. But the outspoken former Conservative deputy chairman is taking nothing for granted. “It’s anybody’s really,” he says of the seat. “The constituents will judge me on my record.”

Why is it a bellwether seat?

Since Nigel Farage announced he was taking over as leader of Reform and standing for Parliament in Clacton, there’s been a keen focus on the Essex seat, where he’s threatening to overturn a Conservative majority of 24,702.

But as support for the Tories collapses across the country, Reform is targeting some of their weak spots elsewhere too – not least in Ashfield itself, the only constituency already held by the hard-right party.

Sutton in Ashfield Town Centre
Post-industrial Ashfield has been "left behind" according to many voters - Julian Simmonds

During the week, Ipsos published its first MRP (multiple regression and post stratification) model of the July 4 poll, projecting Reform could win a minimum of three seats, and perhaps as many as 10.

Survation’s latest MRP survey, which likewise uses constituency-level polling to forecast local results, paints a similar picture, suggesting Reform could fill as many as seven seats in the new parliament.

In a scenario where the Conservatives are reduced to a rump of under 100 seats – an exclusive Telegraph poll this week has them on track to win just 53 – a Farage-led takeover of the party would not then seem entirely impossible. On the other hand, The Telegraph’s poll, conducted by Savanta, predicted Reform’s seat tally would be zero, offering perhaps a sliver of hope for moderate One Nation Tories anxious not to see their party swing further to the right, post-election.

Either way, Ashfield is a seat firmly in Reform’s sights. The Survation poll puts its vote share here at 31.11 per cent, translating into a 3.1 per cent majority. A YouGov poll this week put Reform at 32 per cent in Ashfield, Labour at 29 per cent and Zadrozny’s Ashfield Independents at 15.6 per cent. Less than five years after triumphing here under Boris Johnson’s leadership, the Conservatives trail in fourth place, on just 14.8 per cent. When Farage visited the constituency last week, no-one threw anything at him.

Independent Candidate Jason Zadrozny Sutton in Ashfield
Ashfield Independents candidate Jason Zadrozny is also ahead of the Tories, according to recent data - Julian Simmonds

Anderson is a popular incumbent, having won the seat for the Tories in 2019 with a majority of 5,733. In February, he was stripped of the whip after refusing to apologise for comments about Sadiq Khan, which the London mayor described as “Islamophobic, anti-Muslim and racist”.

Within weeks, he’d been reincarnated as the first-ever Reform MP, having defected to the party. “I want my country back,” he said at the time.

“I was booted out, cast out like an odd sock,” Anderson says now of his exit from the sinking Tory ship. “It feels like my constituents have followed my political journey and stuck with me. They’re very loyal.”

Quite the journey it’s been, too: before joining the Tories, Anderson was a Labour councillor. “He’s just like a weathervane,” says Zadrozny.

Lee Anderson MP exits the battle bus during a tour of the Ashfield constituency in Selston. 15th March, 2024
Anderson said 'I want my country back,' as he joined Reform UK - Darren Staples

Behind all this is the story of a once-solid Labour stronghold backing Leave in the 2016 referendum and then, three years later, electing a candidate seen as most in tune with Brexit’s ideals. Anderson’s success marked the Tories’ first victory in the constituency since 1977, when Tim Smith narrowly triumphed in a by-election triggered by the resignation of Labour MP David Marquand, who went to work for his mentor Roy Jenkins after he was appointed President of the European Commission.

Today, the vexed issue of the UK’s relationship with Europe is seldom mentioned by voters. But immigration remains a hot-button topic.

About the area

A former mining and textiles area, parts of post-industrial Ashfield have been characterised variously as “left behind” and being home to the “somewhere” demographic – rooted in a specific place, socially conservative and less likely to be university educated.

Census data from 2021 shows almost a quarter (23.6 per cent) of residents in the Ashfield local council area had no formal qualifications. The district was ranked the 63rd most deprived local authority out of 317 around the country, according to Index of Multiple Deprivation figures from 2019.

Ashfield, Nottinghamshire. Sutton in Ashfield Town Centre
The shift from mining town to service industries has been tough on Ashfield - Julian Simmonds

“In the 80s and 90s, when cotton moved to China and coal stopped, nothing ever regenerated these towns,” says locally-born Zadrozny over a cup of coffee in the Sutton-in-Ashfield branch of Costa. The premises next door to the cafe are boarded up. So are multiple others throughout the town centre. Among those that aren’t are a vape shop and some nail bars and bookies. “People lost hope,” says the former Liberal Democrat. “Nothing ever happened and nothing ever changed. That’s why they voted heavily for Brexit, because it was the loudest you could shout on a ballot paper.”

One thing that has happened since then is reflective of the broader shift from industrial Britain, with its close-knit communities and inbuilt sense of security, to a fractured, service-led economy: in 2020, Amazon opened a 550,000 sq ft distribution centre in Sutton, which the company said would create a thousand new jobs. Restoring civic pride might take longer.

Who are the candidates?

Anderson, a former miner, and Zadrozny, a former community centre manager, will go up against Labour candidate Rhea Keehn. Originally from Bedford, Keehn moved to Ashfield in 2022 and works as a compliance manager in the legal team at Volkswagen Group UK.

We meet next to the sundial in Sutton – thought to be one of the biggest in Europe, yet destined for removal in an impending town centre redesign.

“I’m finding a lot of support from former Conservative voters,” says Keehn, hopefully, adding she’s been “the bookies’ favourite from day one”. “The biggest rival is apathy: people having this belief nothing can change,” she says.

Labour Party Candidate Rhea Keehn Sutton in Ashfield
Labour candidate Rhea Keehn says she is getting support from many Conservative supporters - Julian Simmonds

But she acknowledges the challenge also posed by Anderson, who was raised in Nottinghamshire by a coal miner father and factory-worker mother and in his youth joined Arthur Scargill’s National Union of Mineworkers.

He was suspended by the Labour group on Ashfield District Council in February, 2018 after using boulders to block off a site where Travellers wanted to set up camp. Anderson joined the Conservative Party the following month, saying the Labour Party – led by Jeremy Corbyn at the time – had been taken over by the far Left.

Keehn’s message for anyone tempted to either vote for him or stay at home: “The Labour Party is now offering something really exciting and fresh, and that’s huge because we’ve had a lot of decline here for a long time.”

Both she and Anderson are keen to point out, when the subject of Zadrozny arises, that he faces criminal charges. The 43-year-old has pleaded not guilty to a series of allegations of fraud and tax evasion and will stand trial at a later date.

Also running are Alexander Coates for the Green Party, Daniel Holmes for the Liberal Democrats and Debbie Soloman for the Conservatives.

View from the high street

It’s not hard to find Reform supporters in the shops and on the streets of Ashfield’s towns. They tend to like Anderson, dislike immigration and feel sick to death of the Tories.

Only seven per cent of the population in the local council area of Ashfield said they were not born in England at the last census. But according to Pam Cooke, 75, immigration is nonetheless “a talking point wherever you go”. She says: “At the doctor’s you can’t get an appointment, and certainly the dentist. There are too many [immigrants].” Then she adds: “We don’t have so many here, but we have got a few of them.”

Cooke, a long-time Conservative voter who co-runs a family business selling trophies and rosettes from a small shop called Showstoppers in Kirkby-in-Ashfield, plans to vote Reform this time, as does her husband, Alan. “They speak for the people,” she says. “The Conservatives are totally useless.”

Local Voter Alan Cooke in his Trophy Shop. Kirkby in Ashfield.
"I think they do, to a certain degree, talk the language of anyone north of Watford," local voter Alan Cooke says of Reform - Julian Simmonds

Anderson – dubbed “30p Lee” after claiming in 2022 that food poverty was mainly due to a lack of cooking and budgeting skills and that good meals could be cooked for 30p – will “stand up for the working man,” she believes.

What does Alan, 75, like about Reform? “I think they do, to a certain degree, talk the language of anyone north of Watford.”

And what does he think of their manifesto (or “contract”), which proposes a rollback of the state, and which economists were quick to criticise, saying the sums do not add up? “It adds up about as well as Labour’s or the Conservatives’,” Alan replies.

Indeed, concerns about sums adding up seem secondary here to the force of Anderson’s personality, his effectiveness as a local MP, and the general anti-immigration stance of Reform.

“Anything I’ve asked [Anderson] for, help-wise, he’s been very supportive,” says Kelly, who works in a local sandwich shop. He comes in a lot, she says, and is “quite down to earth” and “massively respected around here”.

Inside The Posh Meze Grill & Bar on Kirkby’s high street, Roland Johnston, 67, is enjoying a quiet early afternoon drink with a companion who doesn’t speak fluent English. Johnston is voting Reform. Why?

“He’s [Anderson’s] doing everything he can to help England get back on its feet. He helps small businesses around here.”

The retired forklift driver always used to vote Labour. What turned him off? “[Keir Starmer] is full of bull.” And the Conservatives? “How can you have a multimillionaire in charge? They’re not bothered [about] us pensioners. We’ve been let down.”

In Sutton town centre, there are more Labour voters to be found. Sitting near his phone repair stall in Idlewells Shopping Centre, 33-year-old Tahir says he’s ditching the Conservatives (“Boris Johnson was alright”) and voting Labour for the first time. “Let’s see what changes [Starmer] brings,” he says.

There are also a number of undecideds, even just two weeks out from polling day. At 58, Helen Orton has never voted. She now plans to do so for the first time. Which party will she opt for? “I really don’t know,” she says from behind the counter of Birds, a bakery festooned with England flags. “Maybe Reform.”

Janet Abbott, 60, who co-runs Nana’s Personalised Gifts with her husband Steve, is also yet to make up her mind.

Business owner Steve Abbott of Nana  Gift Shop Sutton in Ashfield.
Small businesses owner Steve Abbott sees the vote as a battle between Labour and Reform - Julian Simmonds

The same goes for Steve, 58, though he says that Labour seems to be supportive of small businesses like his. He sees the poll as a choice between Starmer’s party and Reform.

Anderson has been “alright from a small business point of view” he says. But Steve’s views on immigration diverge from those of Reform. “I’ve got no issues with immigration,” he says. “It doesn’t bother me. We need it to help the economy.”

What are the burning local issues?

“Immigration is obviously a big thing,” says Anderson. Zadrozny disagrees. “Lee wants it to be about immigration because he’s failed on everything else,” he says. “He’s trying to make it a single issue election…But immigration isn’t the reason you can’t get your kid into a dentist’s or you haven’t got your first choice of school. That’s 14 years of Tory cuts, and Lee was part of that.”

The real issues here, Zadrozny says, are infrastructure (“we have the worst roads, we’ve lost the HS2 leg, connectivity is really poor”) and healthcare provision, which is “on its knees in Ashfield”.

Keehn pinpoints potholes as a major concern on the doorstep. “They’re so bad and dangerous, we’ve had a number of serious accidents,” she says. Antisocial behaviour is also flagged as an issue. “We’ve got kids who are just bored because there are not enough opportunities here and kids being dragged into county lines,” says Keehn, referring to a trend which has seen criminals befriend children and manipulate them into drug dealing.

Parts of post-industrial Ashfield have been characterised variously as 'left behind' and being home to the 'somewhere' demographic - Julian Simmonds

Local voters want to see better support in schools for children with special educational needs, she adds. Anderson, for his part, cites lack of housing as an issue.

“There’s a general feeling we need to raise our standards and take more pride in our area,” says Keehn. “There’s a whole chunk of people who just feel like nothing could get better because they’ve had 14 years of this and they’ve forgotten what it’s like to have a government that works for them.”

The local support for Reform reflects a national feeling of “failing government”, she says. “You have a frustrated group of people who believe what they’re being told about the reasons why they’ve been let down.”

She hasn’t got long to try and convince them otherwise. For now, it seems likely that Anderson will reap the rewards of widespread disillusionment with the party he represented until so recently.

He is too busy campaigning to meet up when The Telegraph visits Ashfield, but can spare a minute to speak on the phone afterwards.

“I’m snowed under,” he says. “The demand for posters and boards has been phenomenal.”

He runs through what he’s achieved as the MP for Ashfield; all the investment he’s brought in. But what of those claims from economists that the sums in Reform’s manifesto don’t add up? “Your minute’s up, darling,” he says. “Got to go.”
