Bulls charge through Pamplona's controversial festival: See the dramatic images

Revelers run alongside bulls at the San Fermin Festival in Pamplona, Spain.
Participants run with the bulls during the annual San Fermin Festival in Pamplona, in northern Spain, on July 9. (Susana Vera/Reuters) (REUTERS)

On Saturday, Spain kicked off one of its most controversial and adrenaline-fueled traditions: the Pamplona bull run.

Held every year from July 6 to 14 during the nine-day San Fermin Festival, the event brings over a million thrill-seekers and spectators from across the globe to the city of Pamplona to watch hundreds of brave volunteers get chased through the streets by six large bulls.

Every morning during the festival, at the stroke of 8 a.m., the bulls are released from their corral and charge through the narrow alleys toward the Plaza de Toros, the city’s bullring, where they will later be killed by matadors during the evening’s bullfights.

The runs last roughly three and a half minutes each day. For participants, mostly young men, it’s a race against time — and horns.

Immortalized in Ernest Hemingway’s 1926 debut novel, The Sun Also Rises, the bull runs are dedicated to the city’s patron saint, San Fermin, and date back to the end of the 16th century, according to Time. Still, the excitement doesn’t come without perils.

Dozens of runners are injured every year, with a reported 16 deaths since 1924. On the first day of the festival this year, six people were injured, including a 54-year-old American from New York, highlighting the event’s inherent risks, with two more injured on Tuesday. Despite the danger, the event’s allure remains undiminished, drawing participants year after year despite the controversy it stirs among animal rights groups.

Here are some of the tense moments captured on camera during this year’s running of the bulls in Pamplona.

Participants, many wearing all white and red scarves, run alongside three bulls on a cobblestone street.
(Cesar Manso/AFP via Getty Images) (AFP via Getty Images)
Revelers sprint through a street during the running of the bulls at the San Fermin Festival in Pamplona, Spain.
(Susana Vera/Reuters) (REUTERS)
Participants surround and run alongside bulls charging down a street in Pamplona, Spain.
(Cesar Manso/AFP via Getty Images) (AFP via Getty Images)
Participants fall on the street while running ahead of the bulls.
(Miguel Riopa/AFP via Getty Images) (AFP via Getty Images)
Participants run ahead of the bulls during a bull run as onlookers watch from the balconies above.
(Cesar Manso/AFP via Getty Images) (AFP via Getty Images)
A bull surrounded by festival participants charges ahead, running in the direction of a man who has fallen on the ground.
Vincent West/Reuters (REUTERS)
A reveler dressed in white with a red scarf hangs on to a wooden structure as a bull runs down the street, seemingly right beneath him.
Vincent West/Reuters (REUTERS)
Festival participants run alongside but out of the way of bulls charging down a narrow alleyway.
Susana Vera/Reuters (REUTERS)
Viewers crammed on balconies above the street wait for the start of the running of the bulls.
(Alvaro Barrientos/AP) (AP)
Running bulls can be seen closing in on revelers who are trying to run ahead of the animals.
(Susana Vera/Reuters) (REUTERS)
Revelers who have fallen on the ground try to protect themselves by covering their heads with their hands as the animals run by on the third day of the running of the bulls.
(Alvaro Barrientos/AP) (AP)
Festival participants look back at a bull as they run down a narrow street.
Alvaro Barrientos/AP (AP)
Revelers run alongside the bulls charging down the street on the third day of the famous Pamplona bull run.
Alvaro Barrientos/AP (AP)
Bulls and festivalgoers can be seen turning a corner on a narrow street during the Pamplona bull run as spectators watch from the balconies above.
(Alvaro Barrientos/AP) (AP)
A view from above of bulls and festivalgoers running down a narrow street during the Pamplona bull run as spectators watch from a balcony.
(Alvaro Barrientos/AP) (AP)
