Calling a woman ‘frumpy’ at work is discrimination, tribunal finds

A meeting between two workers in an office
A meeting between two workers in an office

Describing a woman as looking “frumpy” at work could count as discrimination, an employment judge has ruled.

Using the expression may amount to “unwanted conduct”, a tribunal concluded.

As a result, women could successfully sue under equality laws as the comment is “inherently linked to gender” and has the potential of “violating their dignity”.

The ruling came in the case of Yuanyuan Zhang, an investment company worker who said she had been “humiliated” after her boss described her choice of outfit as looking like a “frumpy grandma”.

Although her claim was eventually dismissed because she had waited too long to raise it, the employment tribunal concluded that ”such a comment was unwanted conduct related to sex”.

The tribunal in central London heard that Ms Zhang worked as a deputy design director for Greenland Investment from September 2015 to March 2021 and had relocated from China for the role.

In May 2020, Ling Luan, a deputy HR director, confirmed that the company would support her application for indefinite leave to remain in the UK.

However, the hearing was told that in August an “issue” with her status arose that Ms Zhang claimed “forced her to resign”.

The panel heard she signed a resignation letter after comments made by Mr Luan.

‘Inherently linked to gender’

“Ms Zhang says that [Ling Luan] made reference to her trousers and that they made her look like a frumpy grandma,” the hearing was told.

“The conversation was not in English and we accept the words may not translate over exactly.

It was the tribunal’s finding that it was more likely than not that this comment was made.

“The fact that [Mr Luan] recalls making a comment about [Ms Zhang]’s clothing and the comment appears to be about how drab they were, suggests that it was a comment of the nature she alleges.”

Employment Judge Paul Singh said: “We found that such a comment was unwanted conduct related to sex.

“The very nature of the comment [calling someone frumpy] was inherently linked to gender and we also found that such conduct had the purpose or effect of violating her dignity.

“[Ms Zhang] expresses how humiliated the comment made her feel and we can understand why she says that.”

Despite this conclusion, the tribunal found that because the incident had taken place in November 2020 and she only lodged her complaint against Mr Luan in July 2021, she was too late for her claim to succeed.

Ms Zhang therefore had claims of unfair dismissal, sex discrimination, sex harassment, victimisation and unlawful reduction from wages thrown out.
