Corrections and clarifications

• An article was headlined “Campaigners call for foods to carry cigarette-style health warnings”. In fact the British Heart Foundation is calling for mandatory front-of-pack labelling with clear nutritional information, AKA traffic light or colour-coded labelling (6 September, p5).

• Tracey Emin was nominated in 1999 for the Turner prize but did not win (Bitter dispute over proposed changes to Margate’s ‘brutalist masterpiece’ tower, 17 September, p3).

• Other recently amended articles include:

Former Saudi intelligence chief calls for pressure on Iran over Houthis

The devastating secrets of Huw Edwards – podcast

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You can also write to: Readers’ editor, Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1 9GU, or leave a voicemail on +44 (0) 20 3353 4736.
