Corrections and clarifications

• An opinion column, in looking at what it takes to win US elections and the impact of “win-at-all-costs” logic, made reference to the 2000 presidential election when 2020 was meant (What’s the point of Joe Biden if he isn’t a winner?, 2 July, G2, p3).

• The engineer and inventor William Armstrong made his speech about coal being “used wastefully and extravagantly in all its applications” in 1863, not 1883 (Weatherwatch, 27 June, p34).

• Other recently amended articles include:

‘Surely we are smarter than mowing down 1,000-year-old trees to make T-shirts’ – the complex rise of viscose

Can AI boom drive Nvidia to a $4tn valuation despite investor doubt?

Tesla sales fall for second straight quarter despite price cuts

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