Cyclist collisions with pedestrians up more than 30pc

Road cyclist accident
Road cyclist accident

The number of pedestrians hit by cyclists has increased by a third since 2020, newly released official data has shown.

In 2022, the most recent year for which figures are available, there were 462 collisions between cyclists and pedestrians recorded by police.

This increased from 308 collisions in 2020, an increase of 33 per cent.

The figures were published in a parliamentary response after Lord Hogan-Howe, the former Metropolitan Police commissioner who now sits as a crossbench peer, asked whether the Government collected them.

Lord Davies of Gower, the Conservative transport spokesman in the House of Lords, said: “The Department for Transport publishes road casualty statistics based on personal injury road collisions reported to the police via the Stats19 reporting system.

“Electrically assisted pedal cycles are included in the pedal cycle category depending on their power output.”

Earlier this year, The Telegraph revealed that the Stats19 data is flawed because it excludes those killed and seriously injured in public spaces where push bikes are often ridden at relatively high speeds.

Official statistics also ignore those who take more than 30 days to succumb to catastrophic injuries caused by being struck by a bike.

Jim Blackwood, 91, was hit by an e-bike being ridden on the pavement in Kent last year. But because there were three months between the accident and when he passed away from severe injuries caused by the collision, his death was only recorded in official statistics as an injury case.

Cyclists who kill or cause serious injuries can be jailed for up to two years for “wanton and furious” riding under the Offences Against the Person Act 1861.

In theory a cyclist who kills could be convicted of involuntary manslaughter, which can result in a life sentence, but this is highly unlikely while the lesser charge is available.

Motorists, however, can be jailed for life for dangerous or reckless driving if they kill someone.

The family of a pensioner killed after being hit by a bike ridden on a pavement called earlier this year for tougher laws to punish cyclists who kill or cause serious injuries.

John Douglas, 75, was struck as he walked on the footpath near his home in Birmingham in November.

Christopher Bushell, Mr Douglas’s nephew, said that “current laws offer no deterrent or effective punishment” for those who misuse bicycles and electric bikes.

Last year, Chris Boardman, the Government’s Active Travel Commissioner, refused to back calls for updated laws tackling injuries caused by push bike users because “there were more people killed by lightning and cows than by cyclists”.
