Democrat America has declared war on Donald Trump

Donald Trump has been found guilty on all counts
Donald Trump has been found guilty on all counts - Timothy A Clary /AFP

“Former President Donald Trump is officially a convicted felon” ABC’s LA affiliate reported moments after the jury found him guilty of falsifying business records.

That’s the sentence Democrats have craved, even more so (but not by much) than a jail sentence for the former president. Democrats convicted Trump in their own minds the moment he came down the golden escalator in 2015 and launched his first campaign for president, highlighting how the government had for too long been working against its own people instead of putting Americans first.

The hyperbole of hate Democrats rain down on Trump and his supporters has been so pervasive and over-the-top that it was swiftly dubbed Trump Derangement Syndrome. So, now all those suffering from this condition have a sentence that they think justifies their craziness: Former President Donald Trump is “officially” a convicted felon!

Can’t you hear the exclamations of joy and relief? This proves what I have been saying all along! Democrats miss the point: once again they have demonstrated how corrupt official has become. This case has been a vivid reminder that under Democrat control, institutions that we rely upon to protect our liberty, do the opposite of what they are supposed to do.

The list goes on and on: officialdom does not serve the people, it rules over them. Official has become a synonym for elite, irrational, and out of touch. The America First movement is a populist crusade to remake officialdom and reorient governments back to serving the people.

Now, the leader of this movement, Donald J. Trump, has now been declared officially guilty in a trial that never should have proceeded in the first instance, a trial that itself has become a symbol of institutional corruption and a rallying cry for reform.

Recall that Manhattan (officially, New York County), voted 87 per cent for Joe Biden – the second most Democrat county in America, behind only Prince George’s county Maryland – and so 9 out of 10 potential jurors in the pool were likely to have been Biden voters.

The judge on the case is an “acting justice”, appointed by Democrats and who would need to run for election in 2028 in order to keep his place on the bench. He wasn’t much of a judge, but he’s no fool either. He seemed to fully understand his role was to facilitate the case of the Democrat district attorney.

This was a legal proceeding in form, but not substance. The result was pretty much a foregone conclusion, but for the ultimately vain hope that one or more of the jurors would not play his or her assigned role in the charade.

It’s likely that Trump will win his appeal of this conviction, which will officially be rendered well after the election has occurred – because appellate judges have a greater institutional interest in maintaining New York’s standing as a commercial center operating under the rule of law.

But, this will come long after Trump wins his unofficial appeal to the American people in November, and will be but a footnote on this appalling spectacle of institutional failure.

Woe to the Democrats who used the justice system to unjustly attack a political opponent and pervert it’s original purpose; may the people clean the institutions you have failed.
