Disturbing video shows baby smoking vape

Domestic violence officials are investigating a video shared online showing a very young child smoking an electronic cigarette.

After the video went viral, the domestic violence unit in Saudi Arabia posted a message on Twitter saying they are "aware of the situation and coordinating with the competent authorities to take the necessary measures".

In the disturbing video, the child appears to smoke an electronic cigarette.

The video has sparked outrage online. Source: CEN/ Australscope
The video has sparked outrage online. Source: CEN/ Australscope

The footage shows the young child having what appears to be a vaping device thrust into its mouth, and it can then be seen apparently puffing on it.

The short video then shows the child appearing to exhale a thick cloud of vapour. The video then cuts to a different scene, apparently showing the same child exhaling vapour again.

Officials confirmed earlier this week they are still attempting to track the child's parents down. The exact age of the child is unclear, however reports suggest they are under 12 months.

The video sparked a wave of comments on social media, many condemning the parents' actions while praising authorities for investigating.

Saudi Arabia has a patchy record when it comes to prosecuting child neglect and child abuse cases, with only the most serious given attention by the courts.

There have also long been allegations and cases of child labour in the Kingdom. This is despite Saudi Arabia having ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989.

- Australscope/ CEN

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