Draconian curbs on protest are dangerous

<span>‘Silencing protest does not make the problem disappear – quite the opposite.’</span><span>Photograph: Wiktor Szymanowicz/Shutterstock</span>
‘Silencing protest does not make the problem disappear – quite the opposite.’Photograph: Wiktor Szymanowicz/Shutterstock

The UK’s repression of peaceful protest is far from a well‑intentioned yet misguided attempt to balance the rights of its citizens (Britain now stifles peaceful dissent like a repressive regime. It’s time to roll back our anti-protest laws, 10 September). This country is only wedded to the rule of law and freedom of expression as long as there is no serious challenge to the ruling class.

Draconian steps to curb protest show where the interests of the powerful really lie – in protecting their own status at all costs. I say this as someone currently in prison for engaging in non‑violent direct action.

The ruling class will never legitimise civilian actions that challenge their dominance, not in the name of “freedom of expression”, not even in the name of “democracy”. However, it is a dangerous game to play. It only takes a glance at global history to see that suppressing dissent is like compressing gas. It eventually explodes.

Silencing protest does not make the problem disappear – quite the opposite. It creates a breeding ground for the far right to exploit neglected communities and unleash their discontent through violence.
Cressida Gethin
HMP Send, Surrey

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