Driverless car users will not be prosecuted for fatal crashes

driverless cars
Government source told The Telegraph companies could offer the first driverless car models to the British public as early as 2026 - AFP via Getty Images

Self-driving car users will not be prosecuted if their vehicle causes a fatal crash, under Government plans to pave the way for their widespread use across the country.

Companies that make driverless cars will instead be held accountable for safety failures and will face fines and criminal prosecution in the most serious cases.

The plans were revealed as a new Automated Vehicles Bill was announced in the King’s Speech as Rishi Sunak embraces the new technology.

Self-driving cars largely remain in the testing phase but a Government source told The Telegraph that companies could offer the first models to the British public as early as 2026 if they are proved safe.

Motorists will still be responsible for insuring their car and will still be liable for any part of the journey where a person is driving.

Insurance companies welcomed the added clarity but the RAC cautioned that road markings must improve if driverless cars are ever to become commonplace.

Downing Street dismissed concerns that by placing much of the liability on the companies it would put off driverless car manufacturers from investing in the UK.

The new legislation was one of 21 Bills announced in the King’s Speech which Mr Sunak aims to pass between now and the general election, which must be held by January 2025.

The King opened Parliament for the first time as monarch and began by paying tribute to his mother Elizabeth II’s “legacy of devotion and service”.

On behalf of the Government, he also announced a ban on cigarette sales which could see a tax on vapes introduced for the first time and a ban on electronic devices used by criminal gangs to steal cars.

Despite his speech containing the fewest new bills for a state opening of Parliament since 2014, the Prime Minister said the legislative plans would make Britain “more prosperous, more innovative and more secure”, showing his Government was “rising to the challenge” of the future.

Mr Sunak, who spent much of his financial career before politics in California, has embraced future technologies in office, hosting a two-day summit on artificial intelligence last week.

Government documents released about the King’s Speech said its new Automated Vehicles Bill would “unlock a transport revolution” by enabling safe use of driverless cars.

By 2035, the UK market for driverless vehicles could be worth £42 billion and create 38,000 skilled jobs, according to government estimates released yesterday.

Part of the new Bill will be about ensuring “clear legal liability” and it will also aim to “protect users from being unfairly held accountable.”

According to the documents: “The Bill gives people immunity from prosecution when a self-driving vehicle is driving itself, given it does not make sense to then hold the person sitting behind the wheel responsible.

“Non-driving responsibilities however will still remain with that person, such as maintaining appropriate insurance for the vehicle and ensuring proper loading, as well as responsibility during any part of the journey where the person is driving.”

Another section said the new law will also “hold companies firmly accountable once vehicles are on roads”.

‘Crucial clarity for establishing liability’

“Companies will have to meet safety requirements from the point a vehicle is introduced onto our roads or face new sanctions and penalties if they fail in their duty.

“These include fines, requirements to take corrective action, and suspension of operation. Criminal offences will apply in serious cases.”

The proposals were based on a four-year review by the Law Commission of England and Wales and the Scottish Law Commission.

Tara Foley, UK and Ireland chief executive of insurer Axa, which has been heavily involved in automated vehicle trials, said: “Introducing a regulatory framework for self-driving has huge potential to save lives… For insurers, it also provides crucial clarity for establishing liability for self-driving.”

Simon Williams, RAC’s head of policy, said: “While the concept of truly driverless vehicles being commonplace on our roads might still be a little sci-fi to the average driver, there is no doubting the need for this Bill.

“The technology is moving at pace and it’s vital the UK isn’t left behind.

“However, if we’re ever to truly realise the benefits of autonomous technology we have to sort out the state of our roads once and for all.

“It’s hard to fathom how driverless cars will be able to safely navigate our streets when so many road markings are faded, and then there’s the prospect of vehicles getting needlessly damaged by the UK’s pothole plague as they surely won’t be programmed to avoid them.”

Number 10  denied that making the firm behind the self-driving technology liable would disincentivise manufacturers from building cars in the UK.

The Prime Minister’s official spokesman told reporters: “No, we believe that’s a common-sense approach which both protects the consumers and ensures they’re not unfairly held accountable. Clearly, if a vehicle is driving itself it’s right that the company, rather than the individual, is responsible for the way it is driven.

“The non-driving responsibilities still remain with that person and we think that strikes the right balance and will be in line with the approach taken elsewhere.”
