Fig flatbread with honey and rosemary

Fig flatbread with honey and rosemary
Mark reckons the UK has had a good fig season, so make good use of them in this simple recipe - Matt Austin

For this recipe, you will need ½ quantity of Mark Hix’s flatbread dough.

I think we’ve had a good UK fig season this year, a couple of friends have been bringing some from their established tree. Figs work wonderfully drizzled with honey for an easy sweet flatbread.


Prep time

5 mins

Cook time

15 mins




  • ½ quantity flatbread dough (see intro), proved and rolled out into 2 x 13cm rounds

  • 6 small figs, halved, or 3 large figs, quartered

  • icing sugar for dusting

  • a few sprigs of rosemary, thick stalks removed

  • 1-2 tbsp clear honey


Step 1

Lay 6 halved figs or 3 quartered large figs, cut side up, on the flatbreads, pressing them down gently into the dough, and dust with icing sugar.

Step 2

Bake for 10 minutes then remove from the oven, dust again with a little more icing sugar and scatter with a few sprigs of rosemary, and cook for a further 5 minutes until the flatbreads are well risen and golden.

Step 3

Remove from the oven and transfer to serving dishes. Drizzle over 1-2 tbsp clear honey and serve.
