Gaza’s displaced women and girls ‘at severe risk of physical and sexual violence’

A woman looks on from behind a plastic screen as she sits by clothes hanging on a laundry line at a camp housing displaced Palestinians outside the European Hospital in Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip
Women and girls are vulnerable to sexual harassment and violence - AFP via Getty Images

Gaza’s displaced women and girls face severe danger of physical and sexual violence, the UN has warned.

Overcrowding in shelters, coupled with “increased stress levels” among refugees due to a lack of food, water and privacy, has “created increased gender based violence (GBV) risks,” a spokesperson for the United Nations Population Fund said.

Women and girls are also vulnerable to sexual harassment and violence “while travelling to and lining up for hours to use wash facilities including water points, water distribution sites, and sanitation facilities that are limited in number, and located far from where they are seeking shelter,” the spokesperson added.

Prior to October 7, around 30 organisations were providing gender-based violence (GBV) support and prevention services in Gaza, including counselling, legal aid, and ‘safe spaces’ for women in emergency cases.

However, as a result of the war, less than half of these organisations are now operational. “All have reported a total collapse of their ability to provide direct and comprehensive support to survivors of GBV,” said the United Nations Population Fund (UNPF).

“Provision of GBV prevention, response, and risk mitigation is extremely difficult.”

‘An acute sense of vulnerability’

Previous conflicts in Gaza point to a surge in gender-based sexual violence amid hostilities.

Following an outbreak of violence between Israel and Hamas militants in 2021, the emergency helpline for the women’s group SAWA reported a 135 per cent increase in its caseload. After the conflict, the charity received 23,000 calls per week from women seeking help.

The scale of the ongoing conflict far exceeds what was seen in 2021, with the UNPF warning that Gaza’s displaced women “have expressed an acute sense of vulnerability about their safety and protection needs”.

“For some this is linked to the loss or separation from their male head of family, for many more, the lack of dignified and safe bathing or latrine facilities has resulted in increased protection and health risks,” the agency said.

Outside of war, Gaza has long suffered from high rates of gender-based violence. In March 2022, the UN said that 37.5 per cent of married (or previously married) women in Gaza between the ages of 18 and 64 had experienced violence in the previous 12 months.

And according to 2019 data from the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistic, 41 per cent of women in Gaza had been subjected to domestic violence.

Meanwhile, Israel is continuing to contend with the fallout of the sexual-based attacks committed by Hamas terrorists on October 7; evidence suggests women and girls were subjected to systematic rape and mutilation during the massacre.

Investigations into these alleged crimes are ongoing. Israel’s top police investigations unit, Lahav 433, is reviewing more than 50,000 pieces of visual evidence and 1,500 witness testimonies.

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