Home and Away: Levi is torn over his future

Episode 8183

UK airdate: Wednesday 13 March 2024 at 13:45 on Channel 5 and 18:00 on 5STAR

Australian airdate: Thursday 18 January 2024 at 19:00 on Channel 7

Doctor Levi's time in Summer Bay is coming to an end and he is on the phone with someone called ‘Imogen'. He lets her know that he'll be coming home soon. Privately, however, there is something holding him back.

Levi returns to the hospital and gives Mackenzie the green light to go home. Unsatisfied, however, Mackenzie invites him to her home, wanting to talk about their relationship.

Levi relents. He explains that he has professional boundaries and cannot let what happened between them happen again. Despite this, the passion between them is undeniable, and the pair finally give in to their feelings.

The romance is short-lived, as Mali witnesses the scene and escorts Levi off the property. He accuses Levi of taking advantage of his patient. But Mackenzie defends him: she initiated it, she's not even his patient anymore, and Mali was out of line to act on her behalf.

Meanwhile, Justin and Leah continue their difficult conversation. Justin's plea for her to return home backfires. Leah retreats upstairs, and calls Alf and Marilyn home to encourage Justin to go. Alf escorts Justin out but offers to hear him out over a drink.

Justin opens up about his unstable state. He's caught in a cycle of not knowing and Alf is sympathetic. Alf goes home to share his concerns with Leah and she decides to act. She arrives at Salt to join Justin and is brutally honest.

Leah confirms that she wants to fix their relationship but wants space until she's ready. Satisfied he knows there is a future for them – eventually – Justin is more than willing to make that happen.

Once Leah is settled in bed for the night, Alf updates Marilyn with his own problems over the Surf Club management. Another secretary has just resigned. Marilyn is confused, but Alf explains. That is now a total of four, which means there's no longer a quorum. That means there's no management… and no more Surf Club.

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