Integration in Britain is failing, says equalities chief

Lady Falkner
Lady Falkner wants to follow Germany's approach - PAUL GROVER

Integration appears to be “failing” following a decade of increasing migration, the equalities chief has warned.

In an interview with The Telegraph, Baroness Falkner of Margravine said that the “discord” on the country’s streets since the Oct 7 Hamas attacks had shown that “we seem to be failing to integrate”.

Lady Falkner, a first-generation Muslim migrant from Pakistan who chairs the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), called for new arrivals to the UK to be required to take an “integration course”, adopting an approach used in Germany.

She also raised concerns about children living “segregated, parallel lives from school upwards”, calling for better education on democracy and rights.

The peer suggested there had been “complacency” among politicians over the consequences of a major increase in immigration. A government focus on extremism following 2005’s July 7 attacks was no longer “at the forefront of people’s minds” after “things calmed down”.

She added: “The complacency is what worries me and that’s why I thought the Prime Minister’s speech last week was important, but I only wish it had come a month earlier.”

Elsewhere in the interview, Lady Falkner called for Parliament to update the Equality Act – which the EHRC is responsible for policing – to help resolve disputes on issues such as sex and gender.

Rights must balanced

On Nov 10, a month after the attacks by Hamas, Lady Falkner wrote to the Metropolitan Police to warn that pro-Palestinian protesters’ rights were “not absolute” and must be balanced against the rights of those to whom some behaviour might cause “anxiety”.

Last week, Robin Simcox, the Home Office’s independent adviser on extremism, warned that the weekly protests were turning London “into a no-go zone for Jews every weekend.”

Lady Falkner said: “It’s been a sad period to witness this level of discord but, more seriously, to imagine that there are some communities in our country who don’t feel safe coming out and about and going into town. I was alarmed about this early on.

“One of the things that’s come as a surprise is that we seem to be failing to integrate. And it’s one thing to be very proud of, our diversity and our pluralism in our society. But I think we’ve missed a trick in the last 15 or 20 years.”

Lady Falkner continued: “One of the big factoids of the last decade is that we have significantly increased immigration. We have to recognise that large numbers of first-generation migrants haven’t had the background of growing up in a rights-respecting country.

“What I would love to see would be a concerted programme of integration. Our citizenship test was a good innovation, but I think we need to reassess it, require people to take courses in integration.

“Germany does, for example, and I think we need to follow the model of other countries that, before people are granted citizenship, require them take a course on what it means to live in western democratic societies.”

Lady Falkner, an independent peer who was formerly director of policy at the Lib Dems, was a member of Sir Tony Blair’s taskforce on Muslim extremism in the wake of the July 7 bombings. 

She expressed concern that warnings she first recalls being raised in a 2001 report highlighting segregation in Bradford schools, appear to have gone largely unheeded.

She said: “You can’t have segregated, parallel lives from school upwards. We haven’t managed to deliver a society that actually coheres around a broad understanding of what British values are. Democracy, but respect for minorities, both go hand in hand.”
