Putin told Russia must face consequences after Alexei Navalny dies in prison

Russia must face consequences for the death of Alexei Navalny, leaders from around the world have said – pointing the finger squarely at the Kremlin as being responsible for the brutal murder of Vladimir Putin’s fiercest critic.

Navalny, 47, had recently been moved to a jail near the Arctic Circle where he was serving a sentence of almost two decades on charges that supporters and much of the international community believe were trumped up in order to silence him. It was the prison service that announced the news.

And in a defiant statement at the Munich Security Conference, Navalny’s wife Yulia warned Mr Putin and “his friends that they will not go unpunished”.

“I don’t know whether to believe the news, the terrible news that we are receiving only from the state sources in Russia,” she said, adding that Mr Putin and his government are “always lying”. Navalny’s team said his lawyer was urgently flying there, but could not confirm the reports of his death.

However, Yulia added: “If this is true, I want Putin, his entire entourage ... his government to know that they will bear responsibility for what they did to our country, to my family, to my husband.”

The federal prison service said in a statement that Navalny had felt unwell after a walk on Friday and lost consciousness. An ambulance arrived to try to rehabilitate him, but he died, the statement added.

Live updates: Putin critic Alexei Navalny dies in prison, say authorities

US president Joe Biden said he was “outraged” when he heard of the anti-corruption campaigner’s death, and blamed Mr Putin for Navalny’s demise.

He described Navalny as having “bravely stood up to the corruption, the violence and all the bad things that Putin’s government was doing”.

President Biden added: “Even in prison, he was a powerful voice for the truth,” recalling how Navalny could have stayed in exile after a poisoning attempt in 2020 by Russian security services.

“Instead, he returned to Russia, knowing he’d likely be imprisoned or even killed if he continued his work. He did it anyway, because he believed so deeply in his country and Russia ... but make no mistake, Putin is responsible for Navalny’s death,” said Mr Biden.

British foreign minister David Cameron said Mr Putin should be held accountable. “There should be consequences, because there’s no doubt in my mind, this man was a brave fighter against corruption, for justice, for democracy.”

“We should hold Putin accountable for this,” Mr Cameron said, speaking to reporters in Munich, where he is attending the international security conference.

Navalny was “brutally murdered by the Kremlin”, said Latvian president Edgars Rinkevics in a post on X, formerly Twitter. “That’s a fact and that is something one should know about the true nature of Russia’s current regime.”

Leaders from Germany, France, and other European nations all painted a similar picture. “The EU holds the Russian regime solely responsible for this tragic death,” said EU Council president Charles Michel.

Alexei Navalny, 47, has died in jail, Russian authorities have said (Reuters)
Alexei Navalny, 47, has died in jail, Russian authorities have said (Reuters)

Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky, whose country is fighting off an invasion by Mr Putin’s forces, said: “It is obvious: he was killed by Putin, as thousands of others were tortured and martyred by this one creature. Putin does not care who dies as long as he keeps his position. And that is why he should not keep anything. Putin should lose everything and answer for what he has done.” Navalny had strongly condemned the invasion of Ukraine in social media posts both from prison and during his court hearings.

On Thursday, Navalny gave testimony by videolink to a court hearing. On the television screen, he peered through a barred window, laughing and cracking jokes about his depleting funds and the judge’s salary, asking if the judge could “warm up” his bank account. Local reports said that the court session was convened after an “argument” with a prison officer who had tried to confiscate Navalny’s pen. The opposition leader wrote on social media later on Thursday that he had been given 15 days in solitary confinement.

It was his last such message.

The Kremlin said it had no information about Navalny’s death, but that Mr Putin had been informed. Mr Putin recently launched a presidential campaign for his fifth term in office, with the election due to be held next month. He is already the longest-serving leader in Moscow since Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin.

The Independent Daily Edition on 28 December last year (The Independent)
The Independent Daily Edition on 28 December last year (The Independent)

Navalny was jailed and charged in multiple cases when he returned to Russia in 2021 after being treated in Germany for nerve-agent poisoning that he blamed on the Kremlin. In December last year, The Independent pleaded for his release with a Daily Edition front page that demanded: “Free Navalny from his Polar Wolf prison colony hell.”

Fingers will no doubt point at the Kremlin. Russian newspaper editor and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Dmitry Muratov described Navalny’s death as “murder”, and said he believed that prison conditions had led to his demise, while exiled Russian businessman and Kremlin critic Mikhail Khodorkovsky said Mr Putin was responsible.

Speaking to The Independent, Bill Browder, a Putin critic who has felt the threat from the Kremlin himself, said: “Let’s make no mistake, Putin assassinated Alexei Navalny. He did so because Alexei Navalny was brave enough to stand up to Putin. He did so because Navalny offered the Russian people an alternative to kleptocracy and repression.

“This is a tragic day for Navalny and his family but also for Russia and the hope for a better future.”

Navalny’s disappearance was not altogether an unusual event for one who has challenged Russia’s brutally powerful leadership. Others include Boris Nemtsov, who was killed with four bullets to his back in Moscow in 2014 when he was organising protests against financial corruption and Russian intervention in Ukraine. Or, more recently, Yevgeny Prigozhin and his senior commanders, whose plane was blown out of the sky following the failed coup by their Wagner mercenaries.

Russia’s Investigative Committee has launched a procedural inquiry into Navalny’s death, with the UN calling for a transparent investigation.

Navalny and his wife Yulia leaving Germany in 2021 (AFP via Getty)
Navalny and his wife Yulia leaving Germany in 2021 (AFP via Getty)

Navalny’s latest 19-year sentence was premised on charges of extremism, and was the most recent in a series of sentences. He went missing for three weeks in December while being moved from his previous prison in the Vladimir region of central Russia to a “special regime” penal colony – the highest security level for Russian prisons – above the Arctic Circle.

He came to fame and became a target for the Kremlin after accusing Mr Putin and the hierarchy around him of corruption and abuse. The president, he said, is a “madman” and his ruling party are “crooks and thieves”.

Navalny urged people not to simply complain about the malaise in Russia but to take action: “Everyone says corruption is everywhere, but for me, it seems strange to say that and then not try to put the people guilty of corruption away.”

As support for his actions grew, he did not hesitate to aim at the top, accusing Mr Putin of running a system of “feudal patronage” with fabulous rewards. A documentary he presented – Putin’s Palace: The Story of the World’s Biggest Bribe – investigated the building of a £1.35bn luxury mansion, allegedly for the president, in the Krasnodar region. The Kremlin denied the claim but the video racked up more than 110 million views internationally.

Navalny, pictured in 2017, was a vocal critic of Vladimir Putin (Getty)
Navalny, pictured in 2017, was a vocal critic of Vladimir Putin (Getty)

Navalny also pointed to the activities of the security apparatus and the plight of Russians pushing back against the state. “We have grown accustomed to injustice in Russia; people are constantly being arrested unlawfully,” he said. He also foresaw the inevitable retribution he would face, saying: “I am on the very blackest part of the black list.”

Over the years, Navalny faced physical attacks, repeated arrests, investigations, and criminal proceedings. The assassination attempt, via novichok poisoning in Russia, resulted in his being evacuated to Germany in a coma for life-saving treatment.

His family and lawyers have previously said he was suffering from an acute, undiagnosed stomach illness while in prison, and that this, along with general deprivation, had led to alarming weight loss and fainting spells.

He had returned to Russia following the poisoning, despite warnings from allies and friends that it would be highly dangerous to do so. He was arrested at the airport, put before a court, and sentenced to two and half years of a formerly suspended jail term for alleged fraud.

Police officers detain Navalny after he registered as a mayoral election candidate in July 2013 (Reuters)
Police officers detain Navalny after he registered as a mayoral election candidate in July 2013 (Reuters)

This was just a holding move by the government prosecutors. In August 2022, he was sentenced to nine years in prison after being found guilty of spending public donations to his Anti-Corruption Foundation on “extremism and personal needs”. A year later, he was sentenced to a further 19 years on a raft of “extremism” charges. There were further charges, too – this time of “vandalism”.

If the authorities thought that prison would keep Navalny quiet, they were mistaken. A lawyer himself, with a dedicated legal team backing him, he has filed suits to obtain adequate medical care, an end to the bugging of rooms where he met with visitors, and an end to broadcasts of Mr Putin’s speeches into his cell.

Russia’s most prominent inmate has also given interviews in prison, laying out the conditions he has faced. Describing the violence and repression of a penal colony, he told The New York Times: “You might imagine tattooed musclemen with steel teeth carrying on with knife fights to take the best cot by the window. You need to imagine something like a Chinese labour camp, where everybody marches in a line and where video cameras are hung everywhere. There is constant control and a culture of snitching.”

Putin never referred to Navalny by name (Sputnik)
Putin never referred to Navalny by name (Sputnik)

On other occasions, Navalny spoke about the mistreatment he had suffered: “I now understand why sleep deprivation is one of the favourite tortures of the special services. No traces remain, and it’s impossible to tolerate.”

He had to cope with the lingering effects of the novichok poisoning with barely any medical help in prison. “It [has] got to the point where it’s hard to get up from the bed, and it hurts a lot. The prison doctor saw me and started dispensing two ibuprofen pills but did not tell me what my diagnosis is ... If I place my weight on my right leg, I fall right down. I’ve got used to my right leg lately, and I’d hate to lose it.”

In concentrating on corruption, Navalny’s work had a pocketbook appeal to Russians’ widespread sense of being cheated, and it carried a stronger resonance than more abstract and philosophical concerns about democratic ideals and human rights.

He was also among the opposition leaders involved in mass protests against Mr Putin’s rule from 2011 to 2013.

Navalny was convicted in 2013 of embezzlement in what he called a politically motivated prosecution, and was sentenced to five years in prison, but the prosecutor’s office later surprisingly demanded his release pending appeal. A higher court later gave him a suspended sentence.

Navalny, centre, attending a rally in Moscow in 2018 (AP)
Navalny, centre, attending a rally in Moscow in 2018 (AP)

The day before that sentence was given, Navalny had registered as a candidate for Moscow mayor. The opposition saw his release as the result of large protests in the capital against his sentence, but many observers attributed it to a desire on the part of the authorities to add a tinge of legitimacy to the mayoral election.

Navalny finished second – an impressive performance against the incumbent, who had the backing of Mr Putin’s political machine and was popular for improving the capital’s infrastructure and aesthetics.

When Mr Putin spoke about Navalny, he made it a point to never mention the activist by name, referring to him as “that person” or similar wording, in an apparent effort to diminish his importance. It did little to dilute Navalny’s appeal.

Navalny’s spokesperson, Kira Yarmysh, said that even if Navalny was dead, his movement and aims would live on.

“We are convinced that we will be victorious in the end,” Yarmysh said. “Russia is our country, it belongs to us and we need to return it to us.”
