Labour will push back summer recess to get key legislation through Parliament

Sir Keir Starmer in Parliament with key members of his shadow cabinet
Sir Keir Starmer said 'it seems obvious to me that we'll have to extend the timetable' - MARIA UNGER/AFP

Labour will delay MPs’ summer recess if it wins the general election to give more time to set out the party’s first steps, Sir Keir Starmer has confirmed.

The Labour leader said it “seems obvious” the party will need to “extend” the parliamentary timetable ahead of the summer break to help with a slew of radical policy pledges including boosting hospital appointments, recruiting more teachers and launching a new “border security command” to tackle the small boats crisis.

It was reported on Tuesday that Labour was planning to push back the summer recess, which was due to start on July 23, until the end of the month.

Sir Keir confirmed on Wednesday there would be a delay, saying: “How much legislation will be through by the end of July I think is questionable because the timetable is very tight, although it seems obvious to me that we’ll have to extend the timetable.”

If Labour wins on July 4, some of Sir Keir’s first tasks will involve choosing his Cabinet and working on the King’s Speech, which sets out the government’s legislative agenda.

In policy terms, the Labour leader has set out six first steps: delivering economic stability, cutting NHS waiting times, launching a new “border security command” to “smash criminal boat gangs”, setting up GB Energy, a publicly-owned clean power company, cracking down on anti-social behaviour, and recruiting 6,500 new teachers.

Jonathan Ashworth, the shadow paymaster general, has said Rishi Sunak’s flagship Rwanda scheme would be axed “on day one”, while Sir Keir has said that he would kick-start reforms to the planning system “straight away” upon taking office.

The latter would set the stage for Labour’s attempts to ramp up house building and infrastructure development across Britain.

The Labour leader has also pledged that his plan to impose VAT on private school fees would be rolled out “straight away” if he wins the election.

He said the exact timing would depend on “the timetable in Parliament” but committed to bringing in the policy “as soon as it can be done”.

The next prime minister will also be whisked off to the United States less than a week into the job for Nato’s 75th anniversary summit in Washington.

Asked about his plans for government on a visit to Wales on Wednesday morning, Sir Keir told reporters: “Well, it will be a team with their sleeves rolled up, getting on with the job.

“I’ve already set out what the first steps will be that we will be working on, so you can expect action on the 40,000 appointments in hospitals and the beginning of the recruitment of the teachers that we need, the police that we need on our streets, the setting up of GB Energy, the border security command.

“These are all the first steps that we will do. How much legislation will be through by the end of July I think is questionable because the timetable is very tight, although it seems obvious to me that we’ll have to extend the timetable. We will be working very hard.”

If his party wins the election, Sir Keir’s first port of call will be Buckingham Palace, where he will ask the King for his permission to form a government.

Immediately afterwards he would be taken to No 10, where traditionally he would deliver a brief speech to the public from a podium in Downing Street.

He would then head behind the famous black door to meet and greet the staff, before inviting inside those Labour MPs who will be appointed to his first Cabinet.

The King’s Speech is expected to take place about two weeks after the election, on July 17.

On Wednesday, Sir Keir also took the opportunity to hit out at the Conservatives, saying it was “surprising and perhaps sad” that after 14 years in government, “all the Tories have got left is this desperate negativity”.

He added: “Twenty-four hours before the country goes to the polls they are simply not able to answer the question in positive terms why anybody should vote Tory.

“I think that’s a very sad indictment, but a realistic indictment, on their own record in government. They’re not pretending that they can offer anything different. I think that’s quite a telling point, quite apart from the negativity. They’re not pretending they’ve got anything else to offer you.”
