Local insight needed to tackle tax evasion

<span>‘I remember, when I worked for HM Customs and Excise, visiting a retailer after a local paper had reported on an investigation into VAT evasion involving another retailer,’ says Ian Arnott.</span><span>Photograph: Ascannio/Alamy</span>
‘I remember, when I worked for HM Customs and Excise, visiting a retailer after a local paper had reported on an investigation into VAT evasion involving another retailer,’ says Ian Arnott.Photograph: Ascannio/Alamy

The billions lost to tax evasion by small retail businesses (Report, 9 September) could be addressed by reinstating the 100 or so local tax offices that were closed by the Conservatives. I remember, when I worked for HM Customs and Excise, visiting a retailer after a local paper had reported on an investigation into VAT evasion involving another retailer. He had on his desk a copy of the paper, and said to me on arrival: “I need to tell you something.”
Ian Arnott

• Aditya Chakrabortty refers to that rightwing set of Tories who “speak golf-club identity politics” (Opinion, 12 September). It’s a phrase I have often used too, adding “Surrey” as an adjective. But is this really fair? Are there no golfers for Labour? Ramsay MacDonald was a keen golfer – but perhaps that’s not a good example for the current government.
Dave Verguson
Huddersfield, West Yorkshire

• I was immensely cheered to see the chaos in Ed Davey’s kitchen, depicted in the photograph with your interview (13 September). At last, a photo of a politician not spin-doctored for the public.
Helen Welham

• Four mobiles on the Lib Dem leader’s kitchen table? Should he spend less on burner phones and more on renovating his kitchen?
Stuart Garside
New Mills, Derbyshire

• Given the wonky state of Ed Davey’s kitchen drawers, it’s quite clear that he should never be allowed to form a cabinet.
Tim Craig

• Do you have a photograph you’d like to share with Guardian readers? If so, please click here to upload it. A selection will be published in our Readers’ best photographs galleries and in the print edition on Saturdays.
