Mass postal voting is endangering our democracy

Tony Blair
An unneeded innovation: Mass postal voting was a Tony Blair innovation – it has undermined the integrity of our voting system

Have you voted yet? That might seem an odd question to ask when this interminable general election campaign has more than two long weeks to run, but some people may already have cast their ballot by post.

June 19 is the deadline for applying for a postal vote, but if you were quick out of the blocks when Rishi Sunak made his rain-soaked announcement on May 22, you could well have had your application approved by now. Once all candidates are in place, the ballot papers are sent out. There was a time, not that long ago, when to qualify for a postal vote required absence from the constituency on election day or infirmity making it impossible to vote in person.

Then the Blair government – responsible for so many constitutional excrescences – decided in its wisdom to let anyone who wished to vote by post to do so. The Representation of the People Act 2000 introduced absent voting on demand, repealing the 1872 Ballot Act, which was passed to end the fraud and bribery that used to accompany elections when voting was open.

It’s simple, really. If people vote in the privacy of the polling booth, they cannot be intimidated and can always claim to have supported a particular party even if they haven’t. This is a vital safeguard of our democracy yet it is undermined by postal voting on demand.

It is ironic that there has been a crackdown on possible fraud at the polling station by requiring voters to bring some form of ID, even though there was little evidence of any widespread abuse. Yet postal voting, which is wide open to all sorts of jiggery-pokery, is not only allowed but encouraged.

The argument in favour is that postal votes are filled out in the “privacy” of one’s own home. But it is not private when family members, candidates or supporters can influence, subtly or otherwise, the way you complete your vote. A secret ballot, however, means that loyalties to families, friends and even community leaders can be maintained in public, but political arguments can still win out behind the curtain in the voting booth.

I am not opposed to postal voting and used it myself when at university. But absent voting on demand – by post or proxy – seems wrong unless you are unavoidably away from where you are registered or are unable to get out. It is not as if polling stations are miles away.

At the last general election, 20 per cent of all valid votes were cast by post. Before the new rules were introduced for the 2001 election, the figure was 2 per cent. This increase cannot be accounted for by a greater number of infirm people or by more being at university, though both are true. The fact is that a lot of people apply because they cannot be bothered to make the journey to the polling station and have already made up their minds, so why wait?

In the first few years, there were so many tales of abuse that the whole system had to be tightened up, with additional identity safeguards. It is no coincidence that postal voting on demand is not allowed in Northern Ireland, where the old adage used to be “vote early, vote often”. Good reasons still need to be given in the Province for an absent vote to be permitted.

Back in 2001, Labour might have hoped that absent voting would help them by encouraging younger people to take part. In reality, they are used more by older people, seen as likely to back the Conservatives, which is why they have failed to reverse this procedure.

Both parties have tinkered with this system for their own advantages. The franchise has been extended to all British citizens living abroad for whatever length of time, whereas it used to expire after 15 years. Yet so far, fewer than 200,000 of an estimated 3.5 million expats who qualify have applied to vote, so that hasn’t worked (and is another reason to question the rationality of Rishi Sunak’s snap election decision).

Labour accuses the Tories of introducing the new requirement to show photo ID at the polling stations to boost their vote. They say ethnic minorities and marginalised communities do not have “the right form of identification”, even though there are more than 20 different valid means of doing so.

Yet Labour is proposing to carry out another cynical piece of gerrymandering by reducing the voting age to 16 if it wins power. The only possible explanation for this is that it sees an electoral advantage, otherwise why not allow 16-year-olds to do everything else they are banned from doing, such as driving, smoking or drinking alcohol, because they are still considered to be children by law. When the voting age was last reduced from 21 to 18 in 1969, the age of majority was lowered as well.

It used to be possible to get married aged 16 with parental consent, but this was forbidden by the Marriage and Civil Partnership (Minimum Age) Act 2022. You can still join the Army aged 16, but need parental consent and you must be in some form of apprenticeship or education until you are 18.

For goodness sake, you can’t even buy a lottery ticket or a scratch card until you are 18. How can it be justified to let children, legally blocked from so many areas of life, vote on how they should apply to everyone else? Ironically, the people most in favour of extending the franchise to 16-year-olds are often those who would infantilise them for longer in every other sphere.

The argument is made that 16- and 17-year-olds are more likely to vote than the cohort a few years above them and thereby become “engaged” in politics. In the 2014 Scottish independence referendum turnout was 20 points higher than in the 18-24 age group.

But you could make that argument for 14-year-olds. Either extend the same freedoms enjoyed by adults to 16-year-olds or let them vote when they have them. Anything else is simply a piece of political chicanery dressed up as democratic progress.

There are still two long weeks until polling day, but if millions are about to vote in the coming days why bother campaigning to the end? Moreover, if the aim is to increase turnout, we should vote on Sundays instead of Thursdays, a hangover from the days when the Sabbath was sacred. It won’t be long before we can sit at home and vote online or by phone, as with Strictly Come Dancing, which is where some of our leading politicians may well be heading.
