Village could go without water for seven weeks after contamination

A man hole cover with a 'do not open' sign on due to the fuel leak in Bramley, Surrey
The notice will remain in place while further investigations are carried out by Thames Water - Tony Kershaw / SWNS

More than 600 homes in a Surrey village face going without water for up to seven weeks after tests carried out by Thames Water showed contamination from a nearby fuel leak.

The company said results on Thursday indicated “a possible deterioration in quality” of drinking water “in some areas”.

A total of 616 houses in Bramley have been given the “precautionary” instruction not to use their water supply for drinking, cooking or brushing their teeth – though they can continue to use it to shower and wash their hands.

It comes after the collection and assessment of drinking water in the village following a historical leak from a petrol station which suggested the fuel had permeated water supply pipes.

The notice will remain in place while further investigations are carried out and replacement pipes installed, which could take up to seven weeks, although the water company is hoping to significantly speed up the process.

It comes after the collection and assessment of drinking water in the village following a historical fuel leak from its petrol station.

The notice will remain in place while further investigations are carried out, Thames Water said.

Water stations

The utility company added that letters and bottled water will be delivered to affected properties on Thursday evening.

Jeremy Hunt, the Chancellor, said bottled water stations were being set up in the village.

Residents collecting water from a collecting point
Residents have been forced to go to collection stations to pick up bottled water - Tony Kershaw / SWNS

Bramley is part of the South West Surrey constituency, represented by Mr Hunt for the Conservatives until Parliament was dissolved on Thursday.

He said he had spoken with the UK Health Security Agency, Thames Water, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, a local councillor and Asda - which operates a petrol station on the site of the fuel leak.

Mr Hunt is running for re-election in the new seat of Godalming and Ash which will replace his former constituency.

Complaints from locals about the fuel leak date back to 2021 and Mr Hunt said it posed a risk to the broadband and telephone services of 880 BT customers as the company’s ductwork passes the site.

Chris Hardstone, landlord of the Jolly Farmer, in Bramley, claimed he had been complaining about the fuel issue since 2021 and the lack of clean water was driving customers away.

The 67-year-old has run the pub with his brother Steve, 66, for 40 years.

He said: “Back in 2021, our cellar just stank of fumes - and this petrol smell was wafting up into the bar.

“It took ages to get people to come and have a look, but when they did, we had people checking for gas leaks, for fire safety.

“We were told initially it was mould – but it wasn’t of course. It was a leak from the petrol station.”

Mr Hardstone said that they had to close the hotel part of the pub as a result – meaning they lost out on business.

“These issues meant we had to close our accommodation section down, so we lost business there,” he said.

“And of course, when word goes around that the local pub stinks of petrol, that affects business too.”

Residents collecting water from a collecting point
Thames Water has said it is 'in the process' of delivering bottled water to those affected - Tony Kershaw / SWNS

Tess Fayers, Thames Water’s operations director for the Thames Valley and home counties, said: “We are asking 616 Bramley properties not to drink the tap water following recent water sampling results.

“The health and safety of our customers is our number one priority, and we would like to reassure residents that this is a precautionary measure.

“We are in the process of delivering letters and bottled water to the affected properties.

“We are also identifying locations to set up bottled water stations and we will share this information with our customers as soon as possible.

“We are already on site in the village proactively replacing sections of our pipes on Horsham Road to reduce the risk to our customers.”

Thames Water said it was replacing sections of its pipes
Thames Water said it was replacing sections of its pipes in Bramley - Tony Kershaw / SWNS

A Waverley Borough Council spokesman said: “We are working closely with Thames Water and other agencies to try and mitigate the impact on residents, and we will support residents wherever possible.”

An Asda spokesman said: “We are continuing to work closely with Thames Water and other partners to address the issues we inherited after acquiring the Bramley PFS site.

“We recognise the impact this has had on the residents of Bramley and share their frustrations.

“We are committed to working with all parties to resolve this situation as quickly as possible.”

A “boil water” notice was put in place for about 17,000 households in Brixham, Devon, earlier this month after a parasite outbreak caused by a contaminated water supply.

The number of confirmed cases of cryptosporidium has now reached 100, the UK Health Security Agency said on Thursday.

Thousands of homes in Surrey were left without water in November following Storm Ciaran, with more than a dozen schools forced to close.
