Most voters think shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ is inappropriate for politicians

Green Party councillor Mothin Ali
Green Party councillor Mothin Ali - Facebook

Six in ten voters think it is inappropriate for politicians to shout “Allahu Akbar” or to praise God after winning an election, polling has found.

The finding came after a Green Party councillor provoked controversy by shouting the Arabic words—which mean “God is the greatest”—after being elected in Leeds in a victory he declared as a “win for the people of Gaza”.

However, the poll by Savanta found that the public were more divided on local politicians campaigning on issues connected to foreign affairs, such as the Israel-Hamas conflict.

At the local elections earlier this month, Mothin Ali won the Gipton and Harehills seat for the Greens with 3,070 votes. Delivering a victory speech after the result was announced, he said: “We will not be silenced. We will raise the voice of Gaza. We will raise the voice of Palestine. Allahu Akbar!”

Following criticism of the remarks, Mr Ali later said he was “sorry for any upset my comments caused about the Gaza conflict”, adding: “It is not unusual for somebody of my faith to use the words ‘Allahu Akbar’ as an expression of gratitude and celebration.”

“Some have sought to misrepresent this, and it suggests Islamophobia to me.”

Supporters of successful Green party candidate Mothin Ali unfurled a Palestinian flag as the results were counted, shouting "we will not be silenced"
Supporters of successful Green party candidate Mothin Ali unfurled a Palestinian flag as the results were counted, shouting "we will not be silenced" - Twitter

However, the Greens have opened an investigation into the councillor after it emerged that he had previously described a Jewish chaplain at the University of Leeds, who was forced into hiding by threats from protesters, as a “creep” and a “kind of animal”, and referred to Israel as a “settler, colonial, occupier”.

Keeping it secular

Polling by Savanta of 2,102 UK adults for The Telegraph found that a majority of the public are opposed to politicians expressing religious sentiments when making victory speeches after their election.

Fifty-eight per cent said that it is “inappropriate” for politicians to express religious sentiment, such as praising God or saying “Allahu Akbar” in their victory speeches, while 29 per cent thought it “appropriate”.

The only actions deemed more inappropriate are politicians attacking their own party’s policies (64 per cent) and not acknowledging their rival candidates (63 per cent) in their speeches.

However, the polling showed the public is more open to local politicians campaigning on foreign policy issues.

Asked whether it is appropriate or inappropriate for local politicians, such as councillors and metro mayors, to campaign “on foreign affairs, such as the conflict in Gaza”, 41 per cent thought it appropriate and 42 per cent thought it inappropriate.

People who voted for Labour in the 2019 general election are significantly more likely than 2019 Conservative voters to say that it is appropriate for local politicians to campaign on foreign affairs when they are trying to be elected (52 per cent to 36 per cent).

After the local election results, some commentators voiced concerns about candidates putting Gaza at the centre of their campaigns, arguing that it was evidence of a growing sectarianism in British politics.

In the West Midlands mayoral race, an independent candidate endorsed by George Galloway and running on a pro-Gaza platform, Akhmed Yakoob, nearly swung the election after appealing to traditional Labour voters disillusioned with the party’s Middle Eastern policy and picking up nearly 70,000 votes.
