My Mum, Your Dad season 2 cast unveiled

my mum your dad group
My Mum, Your Dad season 2 cast revealedAron Klein - ITV

My Mum, Your Dad will return to our screens very soon, but whose parents are re-entering the dating pool?

Hosted by Davina McCall, the series sees eight single parents looking for another shot at love. Season one revealed an unexpected twist for the parents, as their adult children were directly involved in their romantic journey, playing matchmaker behind the scenes.

However, with the cat now out of the bag, Davina has teased a new twist as the show enters its second season. This year's line-up will feature another eight contestants alongside their sneaky kids. But with a secret switch to turn off the television feed, it's time for the parents to take some control back.

Let's get ready to meet the new singles and their hopeful children.

My Mum, Your Dad starts on Monday, September 16 at 9pm on ITV1 and ITVX.


Age: 53

Job: Homemaker/Charity Volunteer

Location: West Sussex

When her 26-year marriage ended, Clare felt quite lost. Despite having two relationships after her divorce, she struggled to find The One.

Clare isn't a fan of dating apps and decided to join the show after finding the first season really heart-warming. She's been told to look out for red flags by her daughter Aimee.

"My love language is physical touch so someone that's cuddly and tactile that makes me laugh and who's a warm and kind person. It's more about the vibe of the person and how they make me feel that
attracts me to them rather than physical attributes," said Clare.

my mum your dad claire


Age: 26

Job: Brand Manager

Location: West Sussex

Aimee and her siblings have all flown the nest and she think it's time for her mum Clare to put herself first.

Unimpressed by Clare's dating history, Aimee hopes her mum finds someone to look after her, and wants her to build on her confidence.

"I would say she's super kind and caring and she is a really good listener. My mum gives really great advice, she loves holidays, is
really sporty and is really family oriented," Aimee shared.

my mum your dad aimee


Age: 50

Job: Property Investor

Location: South Staffordshire

After prioritising his daughters and caring for his parents, Andy is now ready to embrace some new company.

He watched the last season with his mum and decided joining the show would be a lovely bonding experience with his daughter Issy. Andy hopes to find someone who shares his strong family values.

"I think the biggest thing [the viewers will] learn is that I put on a shield of jovial and lightheartedness but underneath I'm sensitive. I don't let people see that usually," Andy explained.

my mum your dad andy


Age: 19

Job: Student

Location: West Midlands

Issy entered the show with a bright outlook, determined to have a positive experience with the other participants.

She wants her dad to find someone he can enjoy the rest of his life with. However, she feels relationships can be complicated, especially at a later stage in life.

"My dad is very funny, very witty, outgoing and friendly. He's very loving, deep, genuine and kind," said Issy.

my mum your dad issy


Age: 51

Job: Operations Manager

Location: Cheshire

Jenny has been single for 14 years and feels she has run out of dating options.

She decided to join the show after two friends separately sent her the link to apply. Jenny is looking for someone who knows what they want and is ready to settle down.

"My friends say that the good men are taken and you've got to treat meeting men like a merry-go-round, you've got to be quick because they only come around once."

my mum your dad jenny


Age: 19

Job: Student

Location: Cheshire

Malachi stepped in to help his mum after seeing her dating frustrations. He watched the first season and was excited for Jenny to join such a wholesome show.

Malachi hopes for someone with a good sense of humour, who can match his mum's bubbly energy. He also wants them to be caring and patient.

"I think she just picks men based on the fact that she could pick them, as if they were her only option, which I think is a silly way to date. I do understand that she wants to settle down," said Malachi.

my mum your dad malachi


Age: 46

Job: Teacher and Mindset Coach

Location: Lake District of Kendal

Hopeless romantic Christian has been single for two years and applied for the show after his son Lucas' mum suggested it.

Christian is eager to share the experience with Lucas and hopes to find someone who is family oriented, with a good sense of humour. Bonus points if they're a dog lover!

"I'm always up for friendships. I want to meet someone and be myself and that attracts what it attracts," Christian explained.

my mum your dad christian


Age: 17

Job: Estate Agent

Location: Lake District of Kendal

Lucas watched season one with his brother and mum, and the trio convinced Christian to apply. He is eager for his dad to meet someone and be happy.

Lucas worries his matchmaking will become difficult if he can't decipher his dad's feelings.

"He's very outgoing and is made for TV! He does lots on YouTube so it was fitting for his lifestyle. He's used to being in front of the camera," Lucas said.

my mum your dad lucas


Age: 51

Job: Events Coordinator and Radio Presenter

Location: Surrey

Maria found herself single after 16 years of marriage and is now unsure where to find a partner. She wasn't nervous to join the show as she loves meeting people.

Maria really enjoyed season one and is excited to form new bonds, even if they aren't romantic. After already having kids, she feels there is less pressure to find a new connection.

"My dating life had been a shambles this last year or two, so I thought why not!" Maria added.

my mum your dad maria


Age: 19

Job: Beauty Therapist

Location: Surrey

Livia was desperate for her mum to socialise, as she claims Maria never leaves the house. She wants her mum to give people a chance and be less fussy when it comes to dating.

Livia describes her mum as energetic, positive and crazy. However, she hopes Maria will be more patient when looking for a match.

"Watching Mum was really good but embarrassing, sometimes I wish I could talk to her through the TV!" Livia revealed.

my mum your dad livia


Age: 49

Job: Sales Controller

Location: Sussex

Danny hasn't dated in 7 years and has since lost his confidence. He originally didn't want to join the show, but reconsidered in order to push himself outside of his comfort zone.

Danny finds dating awkward and prefers to get to know someone on a deeper level. He's looking for someone he can flirt with, who will laugh at his jokes.

"I've got myself into a position whereby I'm comfortable and happy on my own with my life and now's the time to share it," said Danny.

my mum your dad danny


Age: 21

Job: Chef

Location: London

Ellis says his dad is his best friend and encouraged Danny to put himself out there.

He decided to apply for the show because he felt everyone left with a happy outcome in season one. Ellis feels his dad needs someone calm and accepting, who can help him build his confidence.

"I think he's had long enough to feel sorry for himself and he needed a bit of a gentle nudge in the right direction," said Ellis.

my mum your dad ellis


Age: 50

Job: Assistant Principal

Location: South Wales

Single for ten years, Vicky has prioritised her children over relationships. However, with the kids all grown up, she's decided it's time to put herself first.

Vicky believes actions speak louder than words and has put her faith in the show to find her a match.

"I normally go for someone who seems a bit more reserved, someone with a bit of depth that you can have a good conversation with. Even though I can be chatty and bubbly, most of the time I can be quite quiet on a personal level. If someone is overly loud constantly that would put me off!"

my mum your dad vicky


Age: 28

Job: Data Manager

Location: South Wales

Angharad loved the idea of single parents finding love again and she wanted to help steer her mum into a new relationship.

Describing Vicky as superwoman, Angharad said her mum needed someone just as adventurous. But she worries that Vicky will be easily put off by something trivial.

"She always gets the 3 month ick! I don't know whether she actually gets the ick or she finds something to have the ick about!" Angharad revealed.

my mum your dad anghard


Age: 53

Job: Property Manager/Developer

Location: Bristol

After watching the first season of the show, David was heartened by the friendships and bonding, as well as the relationships. He felt he would benefit by interacting with others.

David is looking for a strong, independent woman who shares his mentality. He values his daughter Tiana's opinion on his relationships and takes her advice onboard.

"I've got a type but I wanted to see where it takes me. I'll go in there and whatever happens happens," said David

my mum your dad david


Age: 21

Job: Student

Location: Bristol

Tiana felt her dad doesn't have any time for himself and wanted David to gain some new experiences.

She is hopeful that her dad will meet someone family oriented, who shares his interests in the gym and karate. Tiana would love for her dad to find someone funny who can soften him up.

"He's a hard nut with a soft centre! Whenever my guy friends see him they get scared when they are talking to me but then when they meet him they think, 'oh that wasn't that bad!'" Tiana explained.

my mum your dad tiana

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