When is the next general election? Everything we know

Kier Starmer and Rishi Sunakat party conferences September 2023 Composite (PA)
Rishi Sunak will face stiff competition from Sir Keir Starmer during the next general election. (PA) ((PA))

The forthcoming general election could be held in October, Jeremy Hunt has suggested, after the Prime Minister ruled out a snap election in May.

Speaking in the House of Commons on Tuesday (19 March), the chancellor suggested that the election could happen in October, adding to ongoing speculation about when it could take place.

Rishi Sunak has previously said his “working assumption” was that he would hold a vote in the second half of the year, but has not yet confirmed a date. Last week he ruled out a snap election on 2 May, when voters are due to head to the polls in local elections across England.

A week later, Jeremy Hunt dropped a potential election date into his comments as he was questioned on the government’s spending plans, telling the economic affairs committee: “And of course, if the general election is in October, that will mean it’s very, very tight, and that’s why we’re thinking in advance about the most important element of that spending review, which is the productivity element – how do we have more productive public services.”

When is the next general election?

Speculation has been rife on when an election could be. Rishi Sunak could technically wait until January 2025 to hold a general election, but has previously said 2024 will be an election year.

He has always referred to his "working assumption" that the election would happen in the second half of the year, but there had been mounting speculation in Westminster that he was preparing to call a general election to coincide with the local elections, seeking to reap an advantage at the ballot box from the national insurance cut announced at the Budget.

Labour had been particularly keen to talk up the prospect of a general election in May, with shadow Cabinet Office minister Jonathan Ashworth betting Sky News presenter Kay Burley £10 that the election would take place then.

But Sunak's comments on 14 March seemed to dismiss the possibility of a May polling day. In an interview with ITV News West Country, the PM said: “In several weeks’ time we’ve got elections for police and crime commissioners, for local councils, for mayors across the country – they’re important elections.”

Asked whether there would be a general election on the same day, he said: “There won’t be an election on that day.”

Even in December last year, rumours were circulating of a potential election in May following an earlier than expected budget. Spring budgets are normally held in the third or fourth week of March.

As rules in the UK require a general election to be held 25 days after asking the King to dissolve Parliament, some had reasoned it would have made sense for Sunak and Hunt to bring the budget forward if they were preparing for a May election.

The 2019 election was unique in modern times due to being held in December - most general elections are held in late spring or early summer. This means the five-year term of the government can be stretched to December 2024, which means polling day could take place the following month - in theory.

The last General Election was in 2019. (PA)
The last general election was in 2019. (PA) (Kirsty Wigglesworth, Associated Press)

In the past, governments have only called elections early when confident of victory, so Sunak was previously thought to be likely to hold off for as long as he can. That seems to be his more likely strategy now.

A late autumn election could, however, be unpopular with campaigners, who disliked being forced to campaign in the cold and dark ahead of the 2019 polling day.

Cabinet ministers have also been warned that holding a general election that coincides with the US presidential election in November would be a security risk, according to The Times.

When do people want the next election?

A YouGov poll released in February 2024 suggested that a May 2024 general election was the "most palatable" option to voters.

Two-thirds of respondents (68%) said this would be acceptable, compared to just 13% who would find it unacceptable. The next most popular months were June (64%) and April (61%).

December 2024 and January 2025 were the least preferred months to go to the polls, with only 30% and 32% respectively considering these options to be acceptable.

In January, Keir Starmer accused Sunak of "dithering and delaying" over an early election "while the country wants change", as Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey claimed the prime minister was "running scared" by refusing to commit to a spring poll.

Pic Shows Jeremy Hunt Chancellor of the Exchequer in No11 Downing Street
The early budget was thought to have been a sign of a potential early election. (Alamy) (PAUL GROVER)

How can a snap election be called?

Only the King can trigger an election by dissolving parliament, but he does so on advice from the PM. Once parliament is dissolved every seat in the House of Commons becomes vacant and MPs cease to represent their seats meaning no new laws can be passed.

Between 2011 and 2022 the PM needed permission of parliament to ask the monarch to dissolve parliament, but this was scrapped with the Dissolution and Calling of Parliaments Act 2022. The new powers mean effectively only Sunak can trigger an election at any time he chooses by simply recommending it to the King.

When is the last date an election will be called?

Parliamentary terms run for five years and the current parliament met for the first time on 17 December 2019, meaning it must dissolve on 17 December 2024. With general election campaigns taking 25 days, the Electoral Commission has said the latest date for the election can be 28 January 2025.

However, it is seen as extremely unlikely the government will call for an election over the Christmas and new year period.

When was the last election?

The last election was held on 12 December 2019 with Boris Johnson winning a landslide victory over Jeremy Corbyn's Labour Party. The election was dominated by the issue of Brexit and finishing the UK's exit from the EU which had begun in 2016.

Polling stations open at 7am. (PA)
Polling stations open at 7am. (PA) (IMAGO/Jon Super, Imago)

The Conservatives won 365 seats, their highest number since 1987 and Labour won 202 seats, its lowest proportion since 1935.

How can I register to vote?

You can register online on the government's website, you need to be over the age of 16 and a British citizen. The form takes five minutes and you will need your national insurance number. Despite being able to register to vote at 16 you must be 18 to vote in a general election.

How can I vote?

There are three ways to vote in a UK general election, in person, by post or by proxy. Most people vote in person at a polling station. At the time of the election, you will be able to find where you should go to vote on the government's website. You'll also be sent a polling card which will tell you where you should vote, you can take this along with you when voting but it isn't necessary.

You will also need to show a photo ID to confirm your identity, you can find out what IDs are accepted on the government's website.

It is usually clear who has won a General Election by 6am the following morning. (PA)
It is usually clear who has won a general election by 6am the following morning. (PA) (Xinhua, Imago)

To vote by post need to apply to do it before election day, but you do not need to give a reason as to why you wish to. You must be registered to vote before you apply and you can apply no later than 5pm 11 working days before the election you want to vote in.

You will be sent a postal vote in the post which you will then need to return before the specified date. If you pass the specified time and date before posting it then you can still take it to the local polling station by 10pm on election day.

The final way to vote is by proxy, getting someone trusted to cast your vote. You need to provide a valid reason for voting by proxy, whether that is you are away on the day, have a medical issue or disability or are unable to due to work. You must apply six working days before the election.

When do polls open?

Polling stations open from 7am to 10pm on polling day.

Who's standing in my area?

You will be able to check the candidates standing in your area online. All of the major political parties select their candidates a considerable amount of time before general elections and you can see on their website who they have selected for what constituency.
