Nicola Sturgeon to appear on ITV election coverage

Nicola Sturgeon pressed to come clean about how much money she will earn from TV role
Nicola Sturgeon pressed to come clean about how much money she will earn from TV role - Jane Barlow/PA Wire

Nicola Sturgeon is to appear as a star pundit in ITV’s election night coverage, five years after her party demanded Ruth Davidson quit as an MSP for taking the same job.

The former first minister has been billed as a “political insider” who will provide expert analysis alongside Ed Balls and George Osborne for the broadcaster’s overnight coverage of the general election results.

The role has raised eyebrows as Ms Sturgeon remains under police investigation as part of a probe into SNP finances which has seen her arrested. Her husband, Peter Murrell, was charged with embezzlement of party funds in April.

She also faced accusations of hypocrisy after it emerged that while she was first minister, the SNP lambasted Baroness Davidson, who like Ms Sturgeon was then a former Scottish party leader and backbench MSP, for performing exactly the same role.

Baroness Davidson was paid £7,500 by ITV for punditry on the night of the 2019 election, which at the time enraged a series of senior SNP figures who claimed serving politicians should not seek to enrich themselves for representing their parties on election nights.

SNP sources did not deny that Ms Sturgeon would also be paid for the role, with any earnings expected to be declared on her Holyrood register of interests “in the normal way”.

After details of Baroness Davidson’s payment emerged, Kate Forbes, now the SNP deputy first minister, led criticism of the Tory politician for accepting the payment.

She said she had “legged it down to London and done an all-nighter” to appear on the same ITV show for free, but that doing so was “part of my job, as a serving MSP”.

Angus Robertson, now SNP culture secretary, said the payment to Baroness Davidson was “another reminder” of why she should immediately quit as an MSP, suggesting it showed her neglecting constituents.

Rona Mackay, the SNP MSP, said at the time that serving politicians who appear on election night broadcasts “do so to represent their party – not to pick up a pay cheque”.

She claimed Baroness Davidson would be “laughing all the way to the bank” and demanded she repay the “unprecedented” £7,500 fee.

Ms Mackay added: “Ruth Davidson’s priority appears to be picking up thousands in outside earnings while neglecting her actual job.”

Baroness Davidson, who was not yet in the House of Lords, was also harshly criticised by John Nicolson and Hannah Bardell, SNP candidates in the upcoming election.

Gillian Martin, currently the SNP climate minister, said “isn’t doing telly part of our actual job?” and called on Baroness Davidson to hand the money to charity.

Ms Sturgeon has been criticised for her lack of contributions in the Holyrood chamber since quitting as first minister in March last year, speaking on only three occasions. Her most recent contribution came five months ago.

She has also failed to join any committees, but is spending 10 to 15 hours per week writing her book, for which she has negotiated a £300,000 advance.

Polls suggest Ms Sturgeon could be forced to react to devastating losses for her party live on ITV on July 4, with Labour on course to defeat the SNP in Scotland.

SNP turmoil

Some senior party figures believe Ms Sturgeon is to blame for the turmoil within the party.

Her abrupt resignation ushered in Humza Yousaf’s disastrous tenure and her policies on gender and oil and gas are still causing a headache for John Swinney, who was previously her loyal deputy.

“Nicola Sturgeon’s appearance on this panel is bound to raise a few eyebrows given the chaos engulfing the SNP and her derisory attendance record in parliament,” Jackie Baillie, Scottish Labour’s deputy leader, said.

“The public deserve transparency about their politicians’ side hustles – Nicola Sturgeon should come clean about whether she is being paid for this show.”

Ms Sturgeon was released without charge following her arrest in June last year, and strongly denied any wrongdoing in relation to the police investigation.

Mr Murrell has not publicly addressed the allegations against him.

An SNP spokesman said: “It is very common for politicians to make media appearances.”
