No, the ICJ hasn’t ordered Israel to halt operations

Judge Nawaf Salam, Judge Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf and Judge Georg Nolte attend a hearing at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) as part of South Africa's request on a Gaza ceasefire in The Hague, on May 24, 2024
Judge Nawaf Salam, Judge Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf and Judge Georg Nolte attend a hearing at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) as part of South Africa's request on a Gaza ceasefire in The Hague, on May 24, 2024

South Africa’s lawfare initiative against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) continues to damage the rule of law. Journalists and lawyers who should know better are helping it on its merry way.

Much of the media reporting of the court’s latest Provisional Measures Order against Israel misrepresents a document written in clear, plain English. As I watched this weekend’s car crash of reporting and analysis of this latest order, I felt the same incredulity as I did at the obvious misreporting of the first Provisional Measures Order in this case, at the start of the year.

The day that the January 26 order was handed down by the ICJ, I began to point out the error of those who interpreted the court’s finding as one of a “plausible risk of genocide”.

My analysis, that the court had only assessed whether the rights claimed by South Africa plausibly fell under the Genocide Convention, was ultimately vindicated when Joan Donoghue, the former president of the court and author of the order, in an unprecedented interview on the BBC’s Hard Talk, explained that the court had only considered “plausible rights”.

But that was not before my correct analysis had been branded as “barely arguable” by former Supreme Court Justice Jonathan Sumption, and dismissed by numerous journalists and academics. Some Kool-Aid drinkers had the imprudence, after the judge’s interview, to suggest that Judge Donoghue did not understand her own order.

Those eager to smear Israel have once again misrepresented an order of the ICJ, shrieking that the court has demanded that Israel immediately cease its operation in Rafah. This is not what the court ordered. In its latest application, South Africa sought an order that Israel “cease its military operations in the Gaza Strip … and immediately, totally and unconditionally withdraw the Israeli army from the entirety of the Gaza Strip”.

Judge Nawaf Salam, the current president of the ICJ, clearly stated the court would not grant this measure. Instead, the court required that Israel “shall, in conformity with its obligations under [the Genocide Convention] … halt its military offensive, and any other action in the Rafah Governorate, which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part”.

This amounts to a directive by the court, consistent with its previous approach, that Israel abide by the Genocide Convention. Israel has been clear that it has always done so, as have international military experts such as Major John Spencer and Colonel Richard Kemp. They have testified that no other army in the history of warfare has taken the measures Israel does to protect civilians in armed conflict.

In this context, the pointlessness of the court’s order simply underscores the political game the ICJ is engaging in at the behest of South Africa. The court’s decision to reaffirm Israel’s existing obligations under the convention is necessarily as far as it can go, in light of Israel’s inherent right to defend its citizens from Hamas and free the hostages who have spent more than 230 days in brutal captivity.

Hamas continues to indiscriminately fire rockets onto Israeli civilian communities from Rafah, where its remaining battalions are based. As Israel is not violating and has never violated the Genocide Convention, its operation in Rafah to find the 120-plus remaining hostages and destroy the terrorists’ military capability does not fall foul of this latest pointless order. This much is also clear from the separate opinions of Judges Nolte and Aurescu, who supported the order, and vice-president Judge Sebutinde and Judge Barak, who objected to it.

Judge Salam previously served as Lebanon’s ambassador to the UN. His track record of accusing Israel of apartheid, war crimes and terror would have required his recusal under Article 17 of the ICJ’s statute in any case where law, as opposed to politics, was the order of the day.

The credibility of the ICJ evaporated years ago. The media’s determination to continue to misrepresent its rulings in respect of Israel are hammering the last few nails into its coffin.

Natasha Hausdorff is a barrister and legal director at UK Lawyers for Israel Charitable Trust
