Scientists discover best way to cut down alcohol intake

Researchers find best way to cut alcohol intake
Researchers find best way to cut alcohol intake - chris brignell / Alamy Stock Photo

Drinkers who want to cut their alcohol intake should track their hangovers on an app instead of following NHS advice, a study has suggested.

Researchers found that heavy drinkers tracking their alcohol use on their mobile phones were able to reduce their intake by an extra two units a week – the equivalent of a pint of beer or glass of wine – compared with those using NHS guidance.

The study compared two different interventions in 5,600 people who were drinking an average of 70 units of alcohol a week, which is equal to 25 pints of beer or seven bottles of wine, but who wanted to cut down.

Half of the participants were directed to online NHS guidance and the other half were asked to download the Drink Less app, which was created by the research team at University College London (UCL).

Those who used the app were asked to set themselves a goal and input their alcohol intake, mood, and quality of sleep, allowing them to monitor progress and the effects of alcohol on them.

After six months, the app users had reduced their intake by 39 units, while the control group following NHS advice reduced their intake by 37 units, the results found.

Around 600 people, or 20 per cent, in each group dropped out before six months and the results did not include them.

Experts said that while reducing alcohol consumption by an additional two units a week seemed small, it was significant “both in terms of preventing potential health harms as well as reducing costs to the NHS”.

Dr Melissa Oldham, the lead author from the UCL Institute of Epidemiology and Health Care, said the study proved the app “could be useful” in helping people cut down on alcohol.

“Alcohol consumption can lead to many health conditions such as cancer and cardiovascular disease,” she said. “About 20 per cent of the adult population in the UK drink alcohol at levels that increase their risk of ill health and the Drink Less app could help these people to cut down.

The NHS recommends people should not drink more than 14 units of alcohol a week, spread across three days or more.

That is around six medium (175ml) glasses of wine, or six pints of 4 per cent beer.

Other apps available

There are other apps available to help people cut down on alcohol, including the NHS’ Drink Free Days app, and alcohol education charity Drinkaware’s MyDrinkaware App.

Dr Claire Garnett, who led the UCL team developing the Drink Less app, said this was the first trial to assess the effectiveness of “an alcohol reduction app”.

“If people are going to use an app, it would be better if they tried one that had good evidence behind it,” she said. “An app that is not effective may make it less likely for that person to try to reduce their drinking in future.”

Dr Sadie Boniface, head of research at the Institute of Alcohol Studies said that “having an app which we know is effective is very welcome news”.

“If the Drink Less app can be scaled up and rolled out more widely, it holds promise for population health.”

She warned that it was a “valuable tool in the box, but there is no silver bullet for alcohol harm” and called for a national strategy.

The research, published in eClinicalMedicine, was funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR).
