Vapes confiscated in schools contain the drug spice

Schoolboy holding vapes in school
Schoolboy holding vapes in school

Spice has been found in 16 per cent of vapes confiscated at English schools, research has found.

Prof Chris Pudney, from the University of Bath, tested 596 vapes confiscated from schools in England and found 16.6 per cent contained spice, which has a range of dangerous side effects including cardiac arrest.

It is believed the substance is being substituted into vapes, which are sold as containing cannabis oil, as it is cheaper.

In total, 38 schools from across London, the West Midlands, Greater Manchester and South Yorkshire took part in the research.

Results from a device that instantly detects synthetic drugs found spice was present in vapes from 28, or 74 per cent, of these schools.

The device also revealed 1.17 per cent of the vapes tested contained Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive component of cannabis.

Risk of cardiac arrests

Prof Pudney said: “Teenagers think they are purchasing vapes or vape fluid containing THC or nicotine when, in fact, they are laced with spice.

“We know children can have cardiac arrests when they smoke spice, and I believe some have come quite close to death.

“Head teachers are telling me pupils are collapsing in the halls and ending up with long stays in intensive care.”

He warned parents that his findings were not “a niche, one-off occurrence that happens in a school far away from you” but something common.

Prof Pudney is urging people to talk with children about the risks faced from spice and vaping. He called on the Government to prioritise the problem on a national level.

Schools that believe they have problems with spice-spiked vapes should come forward for testing, he said.

“Currently, this issue is being addressed regionally, but I urge the Government to elevate it to a national harm reduction priority,” Prof Pudney added.

“I call on the Home Office and the Department for Education to highlight this problem and to provide police forces and schools with comprehensive harm reduction guidance and support.”

‘Crucial for their safety’

Ben Davis, the head teacher at St Ambrose Barlow RC High School in Salford, invited Prof Pudney to test a batch of confiscated vapes at the school in July.

He said his school had incidents of young people under the influence of spice, with two children collapsing.

“We’ve been fortunate so far, but I believe it’s only a matter of time before serious injuries or fatalities occur,” Mr Davis said.

“My message to families is, don’t assume your child is not involved. There’s a high chance they are, or they know someone who is.

“Please talk to them about it. Be open, non-judgmental, and accepting. As soon as you judge or blame, barriers will go up, and you won’t reach your child. This conversation is crucial for their safety.”
