Starmer suggests he won’t work past 6pm on Fridays

Sir Keir Starmer speaks to DJ Chris Evans on Virgin Radio
Sir Keir Starmer has been accused of planning to be a 'part-time prime minister'

Sir Keir Starmer has been accused of planning to be a “part-time prime minister” after suggesting he would want to finish work at 6pm on Fridays.

The Labour leader said that on the last working day of the week he does “not do a work-related thing after 6pm pretty well come what may”, saying he wanted to protect time spent with his family.

He added that he planned to maintain the habit if his party was to be elected on Thursday.

Sir Keir told Virgin Radio: “We’ve had a strategy in place and we’ll try to keep to it, which is to carve out really protected time for the kids. So on a Friday – I’ve been doing this for years – I will not do a work-related thing after six o’clock, pretty well come what may.

“There are a few exceptions, but that’s what we do.”

He added: “In politics, some people think if you fill your diary 24/7 and don’t do anything else, that makes you a much better decision-maker. I don’t agree with that.

“I don’t believe in the theory that you’re a better decision-maker if you don’t allow yourself the space to be a dad and have fun with your kids.

“Actually, it helps me. It takes me away from the pressure, it relaxes me and I think actually, not only is that what I want to do as a dad, it is better.”

A spokesman for the Labour leader said: “Obviously he recognises things will be different if he does end up in No 10.”

Asked about the remarks, Rishi Sunak said he had never finished at 6pm and that clocking off so early would not leave enough time to do the job properly.

“What I would say is – what time is it now? – I haven’t finished at 6pm ever,” the Prime Minister said on Monday afternoon.

“We would only have a couple of hours left in the day at this point, which is not great.”

The comments may raise fears of his party’s workers’ rights agenda, under which employees will have a legal right to flexible working.

A Conservative Party attack on social media said: “Keir Starmer has said he’d clock off work at 6pm if he became prime minister.

“You deserve better than a part-time prime minister. The only way to prevent this is to vote Conservative on Thursday.”

Meanwhile, a Tory source told The Sun: “Whether he likes it or not, if he became PM, Sir Sleepy would be required to work after 6pm. If he thinks he can just put his slippers on and make a mug of Horlicks while he tunes into The One Show, then he is in for a shock.”

Tory sources have previously called the 61-year-old Labour leader “Sleepy Keir”, suggesting that he cannot keep up with 44-year-old Mr Sunak.

A Labour source retaliated, making reference to the Prime Minister’s much-criticised departure from D-Day last month.

“The only person who’s clocked off early in this campaign is Rishi Sunak at the D-Day commemorations,” they said.

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer, with his wife Victoria
Sir Keir says he uses Friday evenings to spend time with his wife, Victoria, and their children - Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire

The Labour leader and his wife, Victoria, have a 16-year-old son and a 13-year-old daughter, whom he says are his “pride and joy”.

Last week he vowed never to use them in photo opportunities, telling ITV: “This is a very impactful time and that’s why we’re fiercely protective of them and we will continue to be.

“So, don’t expect any photos of us with the children or using the children in any way to campaign.”

He has also not publicly named them in an attempt to protect their privacy.

Sir Keir also suggested his children appeared unimpressed with his political career, saying that after winning a politician of the year award from The Spectator, his son asked: “How did you blag that, then?”

Meanwhile, when he was speaking at a fundraising dinner, Sir Keir’s daughter asked: “Why would anyone pay to hear you speak?”

“They keep me very, very grounded,” he added.
