Teenager believed to have died on Titanic submersible was student in Glasgow

Teenager believed to have died on Titanic submersible was student in Glasgow

A teenager among those believed to have died on the Titan submersible was a student at Strathclyde University in Glasgow.

Suleman Dawood, 19, was on board the vessel with his father Shahzada Dawood, 48, and three other men.

The university confirmed on Thursday that the teenager was a business school student who had just completed his first year.

In a statement addressed to the “Strathclyde community”, university principal and vice-chancellor Professor Sir Jim McDonald said: “We are deeply concerned about Suleman, his father and the others involved in this incident.

“I know you will join me in sending our thoughts and prayers to their families and loved ones.”

Shahzada Dawood, Suleman Dawood, Paul-Henri Nargeolet, Stockton Rush and Hamish Harding were on the vessel (AP)

The submersible vessel went missing on Sunday on a voyage to visit the Titanic shipwreck.

The firm behind the voyage, OceanGate Expeditions, said on Thursday evening all aboard have “sadly been lost” after search teams found debris from the vessel.

During First Minister’s Questions at Holyrood on Thursday, Glasgow Labour MSP Pam Duncan-Glancy said her thoughts are with the teenager and his family.

Titanic tourist vessel missing
Suleman’s father Shahzada Dawood (Engro Corporation/PA)

She said: “The young man on the Titan submersible is a student in Glasgow.

“I’m sure that everyone here will join me in sharing their thoughts with him and his family at this unprecedented and difficult time.”

Shahzada Dawood, thought to live in Surbiton, south-west London, is vice-chairman of Pakistani conglomerate Engro Corporation, and a long-time adviser to the King’s charity Prince’s Trust International, with a focus on its work in Pakistan.

An earlier statement from the family said Suleman Dawood is a “big fan of science fiction literature and learning new things”, with an interest in Rubik’s Cube and playing volleyball.
