‘The trans movement is a Trojan horse designed to confuse children’

Protesters in London calling for trans inclusion in schools
Protesters in London calling for trans inclusion in schools

In the Government’s first guidance for teachers on trans issues, disclosed on Tuesday, schools will be told to presume that a child cannot change gender. A new “parent first” approach will be adopted, which will mean head teachers have to tell parents if their child wants to change gender.

Allison Pearson wrote in response that “parents are giving a collective sigh of relief” following publication of the Government’s new guidelines, and a vast majority of Telegraph readers agreed.

Read on for the best of the conversation about this week’s most talked about topic:

‘Children can’t change sex, or gender’

Some readers centred their argument around the belief that children are too young to make the life-altering decision of changing gender, and everything it conveys.

‘Parents can’t be kept out of the loop’

Others shared their thoughts on teacher involvement, with many claiming that the most important thing is for parents to be kept in the loop.

Mother sitting by teenage son studying at home
'The new guidelines show, finally, some common sense,' writes one reader - Maskot

‘Restrictive LGBTQ+ policies’

Nevertheless, a number of Telegraph readers are sympathetic towards children that might struggle with their gender identity.
