Watch: Trump rants about Biden and Harris from golf cart

Donald Trump filmed on a golf course criticising Joe Biden and Kamala Harris
Donald Trump filmed on a golf course criticising Joe Biden and Kamala Harris

Donald Trump said he is now competing against Kamala Harris in the US presidential race as he labelled Joe Biden a “broken-down pile of crap” in an expletive-laden rant on a golf course.

The remarks, captured on video, were another indication that Republicans were preparing for the vice president to replace Mr Biden following his disastrous debate performance.

In the footage, Mr Trump, 78, can be seen sitting in the driver’s seat of a golf cart as he asks people nearby what they thought of the debate.

“I kicked that old broken-down pile of crap, he’s such a bad guy,” he says before incorrectly claiming “he [Biden] just quit you know – he’s quitting the race... I got him out”.

“And that means we have Kamala,” said Mr Trump.

“I think she’s going to be better – she’s so bad, she’s so pathetic.”

He added: “She’s so f---ing bad.”

The video, which appeared to be secretly recorded, came in the aftermath of reports that Mr Biden, 81, was considering dropping out of the presidential race.

The footage captured a rare public use of profane language from the former president, which Democrats immediately seized on as a “new rock bottom” for Mr Trump.

“The American people have already seen low after low from Donald Trump,” a statement from the Biden-Harris team read.

“They have seen again and again his disrespect for women, his disdain for black Americans, and his complete disregard for our democracy and our democratic norms.

“Today, Donald Trump, while golfing and avoiding the campaign trail, hit a new rock bottom: caught on tape saying that Vice President Harris, who made history as the first black and first Asian-American woman elected to the office, is ‘pathetic’ and ‘so f---ing bad’.”

Republicans have in recent days launched attacks on Kamala Harris amid rumours she could replace Joe Biden
Republicans have in recent days launched attacks on Kamala Harris amid rumours she could replace Joe Biden - AP

Mr Trump has often smattered words such as “crap”, “ass” and “hell” throughout his speeches and campaign appearances in what strategists say is an attempt to appeal to everyday voters.

Secretly recorded footage has revealed his language in private is far more offensive, however. In 2016, a now infamous hot-mic moment surfaced in which he said he would grab women “by the p----”.

Sarafina Chitika, a spokesperson for the Biden-Harris campaign, listed 21 reasons on social media arguing that Mr Trump was the one who was “bad”.

Her list ranged from “taking away women’s rights” and “assaulting women” to the former president’s bankruptcy and felony charges, “not paying your taxes”, “telling people to inject bleach” and the “constant lying”.

She added: “What is bad is your golf game”.

Republicans launch attack ads against Kamala Harris

The release of the Trump video came as Republicans launched a campaign attacking the vice president who emerged in polls and in betting markets as a favourite to replace Mr Biden as the Democrats’ nominee.

Ms Harris also had backing on Wednesday from influential Democrats including congressman Jim Clydburn who said he would support her if Mr Biden stood aside.

In one advertisement released this week, Republicans poke fun at Ms Harris and question her competency.

One advert reads: “This November: Vote Republican. Stop Kamala.”

Another ad relentlessly mocks Ms Harris’s less than catchy slogan: “What will be, unburdened by what has been.”

Ms Harris has only ever publicly expressed loyalty to Mr Biden.

After meeting the president for lunch on Wednesday, she told CBS News: “Look, Joe Biden is our nominee. We beat Trump once, and we’re going to beat him again, period.”
