Vegan labels ‘put people with food allergies at risk’

Vegan labelling on products is not the same as saying the item is allergen-free
Vegan labelling on products is not the same as saying the item is allergen-free - Daisy-Daisy/Alamy

Vegan labels put people with dairy and fish allergies at risk, experts have warned.

Shoppers who are allergic to milk, eggs and fish are being urged to check labels on foods marked as “vegan” in a new campaign.

They may be suitable for people who choose a plant-based diet but could contain animal products because of cross-contamination.

The Food Standards Agency, which launched the campaign, has said it is “concerning” that so many people who are allergic to these products believe food labelled as vegan is safe to eat.

A survey by the agency found 62 per cent of people who are allergic to animal-based products, or buy for someone who is, feel confident that products labelled vegan are safe to eat.

It also found almost a third of these people were not aware they should check for an allergen label on plant-based products.

“It’s concerning that so many people who are allergic to milk, eggs, fish and crustaceans or molluscs believe food labelled as vegan is safe for them to eat because they assume it doesn’t contain products of animal origin,” Emily Miles, the chief executive of the Food Standards Agency, said.

“Unfortunately, the reality of food production means there is still a risk of cross-contamination with animal-based allergens in vegan and plant-based products if produced in the same factory as animal-based products.”

May contain nuts

The campaign encourages people with allergies to milk, eggs, fish and crustaceans to check labels for a precautionary statement such as “may contain” when there is a chance that a food allergen could be present.

It also explains how a free-from label, which is a food safety label, is different to a vegan or plant-based label, which are used to support a dietary choice.

Vegan food could still be prepared in areas alongside products such as egg, milk, fish, crustaceans or molluscs whereas free-from foods are not, the campaign warns.

Allergy UK, Anaphylaxis UK and the Natasha Allergy Research Foundation, the three main UK allergen charities which are supporting the campaign, said in a joint statement: “Every day we hear from people with food allergies, and their families, who face difficulties when choosing food that is safe for them to eat.

“We hope that by raising awareness of the issue it helps people with food allergies choose food that is safe for them.

“This worrying research shows that many people with allergies to products of animal origin are buying vegan and plant-based food and assuming it is safe to eat, without taking further precautions to check the label.”

Claire Ogley, of the Vegan Society, said: “Clear labelling is very important to people who follow a vegan diet, and accurate labelling is especially vital for people with food allergies.

“Our Vegan Trademark shows products are vegan to our rigorous standards as far as is practical and possible, and that efforts have been made to avoid cross-contamination.

“However, it is essential that people understand that a ‘vegan’ label does not necessarily mean the product is ‘allergen-free’ and people with allergies should always check the allergen labelling on products before consuming them.”
