Watch: Man tackles spray-painting Just Stop Oil protester outside MI5 headquarters


Watch: Man covered in orange paint after grappling with Just Stop Oil protester outside MI5 HQ

This is the moment a member of the public confronts a Just Stop Oil protester and tries to stop her spraying the MI5 building in London with orange paint.

The individual is shown grappling with the environmentalist while trying to snatch from her hands a fire extinguisher that had been fashioned into a paint spray cannister.

After a brief struggle, both people are left completely covered in orange paint, and an argument ensues, with the activist shouting: "I don't want to do this."

Just Stop Oil are known for high-profile stunts, including scaling bridges, chucking soup over a famous work of art, and sitting down in the middle of busy roads and blocking traffic.

In her exchange with the man outside MI5's Westminster headquarters, the woman said the group's "simple" demand was for "no new fossil fuel licences".

Handout photo issued by Just Stop Oil of one of their activists spraying orange paint over the windows of the Rolex showroom in Knigtsbridge, London. Issue date: Friday October 28, 2022.
A member of Just Stop Oil sprayed organge paint over the Rolex showroom in Knigtsbridge on Friday. (PA) (PA)
Activists from Just Stop Oil during their protest on Cromwell Road, London, near to the Victoria & Albert Museum. Picture date: Wednesday October 19, 2022.
Activists from Just Stop Oil during their sit-down protest on Cromwell Road, London, on October 19. (PA) (PA)

In a series of co-ordinated stunts, six activists were arrested after for spraying orange paint onto the Home Office and MI5 buildings on Marsham Street, the Bank of England on Threadneedle Street and the London Bridge headquarters of News Corp.

The group chose these targets to represent the pillars that they say help maintain the power of the fossil fuel industry - government, security, finance and media.

A Just Stop Oil spokesperson said: "We are not prepared to stand by and watch while everything we love is destroyed, while vulnerable people go hungry and fossil fuel companies and the rich profit from our misery.

Read more: Just Stop Oil activists spark public anger after targeting the East End

Read more: Just Stop Oil protests: Who are the climate activists and what do they want?

"The era of fossil fuels should be long gone, but the creeping tentacles of fossil fuel interests continue to corrupt our politics, government and the media as they have for decades.

"How else do you explain a government ignoring sensible no-brainer policies like renewables, insulation and public transport, which would cut our energy bills and our carbon emissions, in favour of corrupt schemes to drill for uneconomic oil and gas at taxpayers expense?

"Well, we’re done with begging. We are acting to stop new oil and gas because it is the right thing to do. As citizens, as parents we have every right under British law to protect ourselves and those we love. The government has the power to end the disruption today by agreeing to stop new oil and gas licences and consents.”
