Pair of Flowery-Named Kittens Found in Car Looking For 'Purrfect' Home in Texas


Rescue animals each have their own special story to share, but few animal rescuers have heard stories quite like this. That's because no one knows where exactly these kittens came from! They were rescued in the nick of time thanks to the generosity (and luck) of the person who found them, but now they're ready to find a more permanent home.

Meet Blossom and Petal! These irresistible kittens were found hidden in a mechanic shop car that was headed for the junkyard, but the shop worker couldn't just set them free outside. Fortunately, the folks at Saving Our Companion Animals in Fort Bend County, Texas, were eager to help.

Are you ready to meet the sweet siblings?

OMG--just look at them! It could make anyone's heart melt to see these tabby kittens cuddling up to one another, but it makes me even more confused about why they haven't been adopted yet. It doesn't get any cuter than this!

Related: Auto Shop Workers in NJ Hailed Heroes for Rescuing Kitten From Car Engine

But how did these curious girls get into a junkyard car? We may never get the full story, but what matters most is that the person who found them made sure they were safe and sound. Sadly, many people aren't so kind to animals in need, especially when they may be getting 'in the way' of finishing a hard day's work.

Now, Petal and Blossom are waiting patiently with Saving Our Companion Animals until their 'purrfect match' comes their way. These fur siblings might have opposite personalities, but their combined cuteness is sure to light up any home.

The animal rescue advocates behind @adoptapet describe Petal as timid but affectionate. She gets confidence from being around her sister and in a home environment, though she's also happy being an independent cat. Blossom, on the other hand, is a lot more outgoing and vocal. She loves to talk, cuddle, and spend time with her sister, though even she will be happier in a forever home.

Why Kittens May Not Be Adopted

These adorable newborn kittens didn't take long to settle in at rescue, but everyone agrees that it's time they get adopted. This has been taking longer than usual, though, and rescuers think they know why.

At adoption events, some animals are much more likely to be noticed than others. While kittens are normally some of the most popular pets at an animal shelter, Blossom and Petal's introverted personalities aren't helping. They just need to find someone patient enough to give them the time and love they deserve!

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