Phillip Schofield sparks fury after revealing TV comeback on Cast Away

Cast Away with Phillip Schofield  (Channel 5)
Cast Away with Phillip Schofield (Channel 5)

Social media was awash with outrage after Phillip Schofield announced his TV comeback with Channel 5's Cast Away.

Cameras were rolling when the presenter, 64, was marooned on a secluded island off the coast of Madagascar for ten days and nine nights. It has been sold by Channel 5 as the chance for Schofield to tell his story in his own way while confronting total isolation.

Schofield has been keeping a low profile for 16 months while he's been off our screens but he has been secretly plotting his TV comeback. The star stepped down from his envy-inducing daytime TV job on This Morning, alongside Holly Willoughby, after his "unwise but not illegal" affair with a younger male colleague hit headlines.

So far we have only got a glimpse of what to expect from the three-part series starting on Monday 30 September. A lot of people have been sharing their thoughts on social media already, many of whom are outraged by Schofield's decision to return to the bright spotlight of showbiz.

So what do you think, should Schofield make a TV comeback? Cast your vote in Yahoo's poll below.

The announcement has sparked a huge reaction online from people. TV critic Scott Bryan tweeted: "Quite shocked by that Phillip Schofield show but then I remembered that this is Channel 5 so hardly not surprising."

Among the comments, another person wrote: "Really, Channel 5?! Why on earth are you bringing Schofield back on TV."

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Beneath the Channel 5 teaser, others shared their fury in the comments saying: "This screams self self self" and "Definitely on my NO WAY list if it's Schofield."

"Should stay there as who gives a jot about him."

Someone said: "Put him on a desert island and forget what won it was. Great idea never to be heard from again. I definitely will not be watching that one. Shame on channel 5."

Another viewer said: "If this is designed to make people feel sorry for him, it will backfire massively. People were just starting to forget, and now they are raking it all up again. Phillip Schofield."

Phillip Schofield filmed Cast Away for 10 days. (Channel 5 screengrab)
Phillip Schofield filmed Cast Away for 10 days. (Channel 5 screengrab) (Channel 5 screengrab)

It wasn't all negative feedback from social media though. Some people shared their excitement for the show in the comments below Channel 5's Instagram teaser. "Ooh sound's promising. Will give it a go," one person wrote.

Another added: "Philip Schofield... Good for him!"

A third commented: "Looking forward to watching this."

Someone else wrote: "I think Phillip Schofield was a good presenter, and I think it was a shame he had to leave This Morning. I'm glad to see him back on TV."

Cast Away with Phillip Schofield.  (Channel 5)
Cast Away with Phillip Schofield. (Channel 5)

After 16 months off air, Schofield has announced his TV comeback. The presenter called Cast Away his story of "survival" as he plans to reveal what has gone on in his life on and off-screen. He told his followers: "Now you know how I spent my Summer! Alone for 10 days, no food, no water, no crew."

He said: "This is most definitely a first for me and the only thing I felt compelled to do. It appealed to me on so many levels. I’ve recently had a lot of time to think about my life, what went right and what went wrong, but I’ve always had the safe arms of friends and family wrapped around me. This time it’s just me, no ‘phone, no comforts, no crew and only lip balm as a luxury.

"I’m looking forward to exploring the island, trying to tie knots to secure my shelter and foraging and fending for myself in the wild … with no help. Maybe I’ll be Robinson Crusoe, or maybe I’ll just be Tom Hank’s Wilson and quietly drift off into the wild blue yonder!!"

This article originally appeared on Yahoo TV UK at
