Pit Bull Puppy Discovers the Cat Tree and Total Hilarity Ensues

Unsplash/Jason Pofahl

Puppies are naturally curious and love to explore the world around them. Tux is a Pit Bull who's all grown up, but his mom shared a throwback video on Tuesday, June 4th of him attempting to climb onto the cat tree, and it's absolutely adorable! The cat Tux lives with even took off, knowing it might now end well.

The video is only 15 seconds long, but it's full of cuteness. Tux has already got to the middle of the tree when the video starts and decides to be a brave boy and climb all the way to the top. But when he gets up there, it gets pretty wobbly! Watch as he tries to keep his balance while also trying to figure out how he's going to get down.

Tux's video totally made my day! The Pit Bull pup did a great job balancing on the cat tree; I don't know if I could've kept my balance like that! Commenters also enjoyed watching Tux on the tree. @Jaylene Anderson pointed out, "The nervous leg shakies!!!" and @Christopher Beasley added, "Stationary high-speed wobbles!" @Araceli<3 got more than 2,300 likes for her comment, "Me when I climb a ladder LOL!" Same here! Another commenter shared, "This is so good for confidence building though! Go him!!!"

Related: Mama Pit Bull Teaches Her Puppies to Do 'Zoomies' In Darling Video

Can Dogs and Cats Really Get Along?

We've all heard the phrase, "Fighting like cats and dogs" but many people have both cats and dogs living together in peace, like Tux and his feline sibling who seem to get along just fine. Growing up, we always had cats and dogs in our house. Just like us humans do with our siblings, they sometimes fought (like cats and dogs), but for the most part they got along. It really is possible for cats and dogs to learn to live together in (somewhat) harmony!

It's important to note that there are some dog breeds that naturally get along better with cats than others, and so you'll need to research your dog's breed to see how they feel about felines. With a little training and patience, most dogs and cats can live together - it'll just take some time and preparation on your end. The initial meeting could be the first of many before the two are comfortable enough to be together without chaos ensuing.

You'll also want to make sure your cat has escape zones that the dog can't get to for those times that it wants to be left alone. Some cats prefer to be up high so they can watch what's going on from a safe position...like a cat tree. Make sure to have shelves or other climbable places for them to escape to. Stair gates in between rooms are also handy to prevent the dog following your cat around.

In the beginning, it's best not to leave the two alone together - always supervise their interactions. You know your pets better than anybody, so make sure to watch closely for signs of distress so that you can comfort them if you see that they're not doing well.

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