Pomeranian-Husky Mix Puppy Discovering Swimming Couldn't Be Sweeter

Shutterstock / Fedor Selivanov

All dogs are gorgeous, but I think we can agree that there are some breeds who dial the cute factor up to eleven. That’s certainly the case for so-called “Pomskys,” the trendy name for Pomeranian-Husky mixes that combine the gorgeous coloring of Siberian Huskies with the dramatic ruffs and diminutive size of Pomeranians. Those puppies look like baby wolves, and people can’t get enough of their antics.

A Pomsky puppy living in Philadelphia recently discovered the joys of water— and even though he tried to subdue the whole lake, the water kept escaping his paws, to hilarious results.

Daschle the Pomsky is a nine-month-old puppy who lives in the Philadelphia area and is doted on by everyone in his orbit. Described as easy to train and eager to please by sources close to the family, Daschle recently had his very first outing to a nearby lake, where he tried to capture the water both in his pawn and his mouth before realizing how the whole “swimming” thing worked.

Related: Pomsky ‘Narrates’ His Adventure After Escaping From the Yard and It’s a Doozie

According to sources, when his people tried to take him out paddle boarding, he was so into the water that he just jumped off the edge of the board and swam for shore.

That’s probably a sign of typical Husky strong-willed stubbornness.

Origin of the Pomsky Breed

Not to get all curmudgeonly, but back in my day, we called mixed-breed dogs “mutts” and you picked them out of a cardboard box in a parking lot, or a kennel at your local animal shelter. Nowadays, however, the process of creating various mixed breeds is a careful and highly regimented process, and all the various mixes have specific cutesy names.

And I’m not just talking about Doodles. Though the Poodle mixes are an ever-popular choice, with more and more varieties seemingly springing up by the year, other designer mixes are also gaining ground. Take the Pomsky.

Pomsky is the term for the adorable mix of a Pomeranian and a Siberian Husky. The first generation of Pomskys were all the product of artificially inseminating a female Siberian Husky with genetic material from a male Pomeranian. As the generations continued, these mixes were bred with each other meaning that there is no “breed standard” as with purebred dogs. The animal you get could be very Husky, or very Pomeranian.

Daschle is a “third generation” Pomsky, and cute as a button.

Is a Pomsky Right For You?

Pomskies share many of the behavioral traits of their forebears, Pomeranians and Huskies. They are loyal and affectionate, intelligent and curious. They also like to bark. Huskies are known for their “stranger danger” approach to outsiders, and Pomeranians are prone to yipping. Together, that’s a dog who is likely to make some noise.

Additionally, Huskies are known as being high-energy, extremely willful dogs hat can sometimes be difficult to manage and train. Though tempered somewhat by the toy-dog personality of their Pom sides, because Pomskys are a mix, you never know exactly what you are getting yourself into when you bring one home.

Though it’s undeniable that this trendy mix is super adorable, make sure you’re prepared to adequately care for both side of this spirited pup’s unique ancestry.

And you go, Daschle. Get that lake!

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