Pop-Tart Eating Cow Named 'Mooo’n Pie' Has a Charming Cottagecore Hideout

CC Naj Ativk/Shutterstock

There is only one part of the summer that we hate — the bugs. There are so many bugs! Thank goodness we aren't the only ones who are hating all the insects. A cow named Mooo’n Pie totally understands our hate, as a hilarious video online proves.

While humans have bug spray, Mooo'n Pie came up with a very creative way to keep the flies off of her.

Mooo'n Pie was keeping it cool under a bedsheet in the field. As a video on her owner's page shows, the cow was tucked away like the sweetest little floral couch.

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"Mooo'n Pie hates flies," her owner said from behind the camera. We feel you, Mooo'n Pie. We hate flies too. "She does love a nice sheet, right Pie?" the woman asked.

She then lifted up the sheet to reveal Mooo'n Pie in all her glory. The cow had been snacking on Pop-Tarts and was just trying to rest after her snack. In fact, now we're worried that we were interrupting Mooo'n Pie's "me time."

"Mooo’n Pie hates flies and the flies love her," the woman added in the caption.

Not one person in the comments section blamed Mooo'n Pie for wanting to relax. "I swear flies this year are worse than ever. I agree with Mooo'n Pie," wrote one commenter. "I think you should let her inside the house. I trust her," someone else joked. "I want to chill under a sheet and eat Pop-Tarts," chimed in another commenter. "Play Gilmore Girls for her, I feel like she would love," one commenter teased.

Flies Bother Cattle

As annoying as flies are when they're buzzing around your kitchen, they can be really bothersome for cattle.

There are four types of flies that usually hang around cows; Horn flies, Face flies, Stable flies, and House flies. Some of these flies, like Horn flies, can bite cows and feed on their blood. There can be 1,000 Horn flies on a cow per day, causing up to 30,000 bites per day — per day! We could understand why that would be bothersome. And in the worst cases it can do damage to a cow too.

Some flies will feed on the blood clots or open wounds on a cow's face or body. Stable flies will rip a cow's skin, causing them to bleed. Other flies might not bite cows, but they can spread diseases. It's all to say that the problem isn't merely flies being pests, but they can be serious hazards to a cow's health.

When you think of it that way, Mooo'n Pie's solution makes total sense.

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